#include "hb.h" #include "ffmpeg/avcodec.h" #include "ffmpeg/swscale.h" struct hb_handle_s { /* The "Check for update" thread */ int build; char version[16]; hb_thread_t * update_thread; /* This thread's only purpose is to check other threads' states */ volatile int die; hb_thread_t * main_thread; int pid; /* DVD/file scan thread */ hb_list_t * list_title; hb_thread_t * scan_thread; /* The thread which processes the jobs. Others threads are launched from this one (see work.c) */ hb_list_t * jobs; hb_job_t * current_job; int job_count; int job_count_permanent; volatile int work_die; int work_error; hb_thread_t * work_thread; int cpu_count; hb_lock_t * state_lock; hb_state_t state; int paused; hb_lock_t * pause_lock; /* For MacGui active queue increments each time the scan thread completes*/ int scanCount; }; hb_work_object_t * hb_objects = NULL; static void thread_func( void * ); /** * Registers work objects, by adding the work object to a liked list. * @param w Handle to hb_work_object_t to register. */ void hb_register( hb_work_object_t * w ) { w->next = hb_objects; hb_objects = w; } /** * libhb initialization routine. * @param verbose HB_DEBUG_NONE or HB_DEBUG_ALL. * @param update_check signals libhb to check for updated version from HandBrake website. * @return Handle to hb_handle_t for use on all subsequent calls to libhb. */ hb_handle_t * hb_init_real( int verbose, int update_check ) { hb_handle_t * h = calloc( sizeof( hb_handle_t ), 1 ); uint64_t date; /* See hb_log() in common.c */ if( verbose > HB_DEBUG_NONE ) { putenv( "HB_DEBUG=1" ); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG); } /* Check for an update on the website if asked to */ h->build = -1; if( update_check ) { hb_log( "hb_init: checking for updates" ); date = hb_get_date(); h->update_thread = hb_update_init( &h->build, h->version ); for( ;; ) { if( hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) ) { /* Immediate success or failure */ hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread ); break; } if( hb_get_date() > date + 1000 ) { /* Still nothing after one second. Connection problem, let the thread die */ hb_log( "hb_init: connection problem, not waiting for " "update_thread" ); break; } hb_snooze( 500 ); } } /* * Initialise buffer pool */ hb_buffer_pool_init(); /* CPU count detection */ hb_log( "hb_init: checking cpu count" ); h->cpu_count = hb_get_cpu_count(); h->list_title = hb_list_init(); h->jobs = hb_list_init(); h->state_lock = hb_lock_init(); h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE; h->pause_lock = hb_lock_init(); /* libavcodec */ avcodec_init(); avcodec_register_all(); av_register_codec_parser( &mpegaudio_parser); /* Start library thread */ hb_log( "hb_init: starting libhb thread" ); h->die = 0; h->main_thread = hb_thread_init( "libhb", thread_func, h, HB_NORMAL_PRIORITY ); return h; /* Set the scan count to start at 0 */ //scan_count = 0; } /** * libhb initialization routine. * This version is to use when calling the dylib, the macro hb_init isn't available from a dylib call! * @param verbose HB_DEBUG_NONE or HB_DEBUG_ALL. * @param update_check signals libhb to check for updated version from HandBrake website. * @return Handle to hb_handle_t for use on all subsequent calls to libhb. */ hb_handle_t * hb_init_dl( int verbose, int update_check ) { hb_handle_t * h = calloc( sizeof( hb_handle_t ), 1 ); uint64_t date; /* See hb_log() in common.c */ if( verbose > HB_DEBUG_NONE ) { putenv( "HB_DEBUG=1" ); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG); } /* Check for an update on the website if asked to */ h->build = -1; if( update_check ) { hb_log( "hb_init: checking for updates" ); date = hb_get_date(); h->update_thread = hb_update_init( &h->build, h->version ); for( ;; ) { if( hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) ) { /* Immediate success or failure */ hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread ); break; } if( hb_get_date() > date + 1000 ) { /* Still nothing after one second. Connection problem, let the thread die */ hb_log( "hb_init: connection problem, not waiting for " "update_thread" ); break; } hb_snooze( 500 ); } } /* CPU count detection */ hb_log( "hb_init: checking cpu count" ); h->cpu_count = hb_get_cpu_count(); h->list_title = hb_list_init(); h->jobs = hb_list_init(); h->current_job = NULL; h->state_lock = hb_lock_init(); h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE; h->pause_lock = hb_lock_init(); /* libavcodec */ avcodec_init(); avcodec_register_all(); /* Start library thread */ hb_log( "hb_init: starting libhb thread" ); h->die = 0; h->main_thread = hb_thread_init( "libhb", thread_func, h, HB_NORMAL_PRIORITY ); hb_register( &hb_sync ); hb_register( &hb_decmpeg2 ); hb_register( &hb_decsub ); hb_register( &hb_render ); hb_register( &hb_encavcodec ); hb_register( &hb_encxvid ); hb_register( &hb_encx264 ); hb_register( &hb_deca52 ); hb_register( &hb_decdca ); hb_register( &hb_decavcodec ); hb_register( &hb_declpcm ); hb_register( &hb_encfaac ); hb_register( &hb_enclame ); hb_register( &hb_encvorbis ); return h; } /** * Returns current version of libhb. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @return character array of version number. */ char * hb_get_version( hb_handle_t * h ) { return HB_VERSION; } /** * Returns current build of libhb. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @return character array of build number. */ int hb_get_build( hb_handle_t * h ) { return HB_BUILD; } /** * Checks for needed update. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param version Pointer to handle where version will be copied. * @return update indicator. */ int hb_check_update( hb_handle_t * h, char ** version ) { *version = ( h->build < 0 ) ? NULL : h->version; return h->build; } /** * Sets the cpu count to the desired value. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t * @param cpu_count Number of CPUs to use. */ void hb_set_cpu_count( hb_handle_t * h, int cpu_count ) { cpu_count = MAX( 1, cpu_count ); cpu_count = MIN( cpu_count, 8 ); h->cpu_count = cpu_count; } /** * Initializes a scan of the by calling hb_scan_init * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t * @param path location of VIDEO_TS folder. * @param title_index Desired title to scan. 0 for all titles. */ void hb_scan( hb_handle_t * h, const char * path, int title_index ) { hb_title_t * title; /* Clean up from previous scan */ while( ( title = hb_list_item( h->list_title, 0 ) ) ) { hb_list_rem( h->list_title, title ); hb_title_close( &title ); } hb_log( "hb_scan: path=%s, title_index=%d", path, title_index ); h->scan_thread = hb_scan_init( h, path, title_index, h->list_title ); } /** * Returns the list of titles found. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t * @return Handle to hb_list_t of the title list. */ hb_list_t * hb_get_titles( hb_handle_t * h ) { return h->list_title; } /** * Create preview image of desired title a index of picture. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param title Handle to hb_title_t of desired title. * @param picture Index in title. * @param buffer Handle to buufer were inage will be drawn. */ void hb_get_preview( hb_handle_t * h, hb_title_t * title, int picture, uint8_t * buffer ) { hb_job_t * job = title->job; char filename[1024]; FILE * file; uint8_t * buf1, * buf2, * buf3, * buf4, * pen; uint32_t * p32; AVPicture pic_in, pic_preview, pic_deint, pic_crop, pic_scale; struct SwsContext * context; int i; buf1 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 ); buf2 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 ); buf3 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 ); buf4 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 4 ); avpicture_fill( &pic_in, buf1, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, title->width, title->height ); avpicture_fill( &pic_deint, buf2, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, title->width, title->height ); avpicture_fill( &pic_scale, buf3, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, job->width, job->height ); avpicture_fill( &pic_preview, buf4, PIX_FMT_RGBA32, job->width, job->height ); // Allocate the AVPicture frames and fill in memset( filename, 0, 1024 ); hb_get_tempory_filename( h, filename, "%x%d", (intptr_t) title, picture ); file = fopen( filename, "r" ); if( !file ) { hb_log( "hb_get_preview: fopen failed" ); return; } fread( buf1, title->width * title->height * 3 / 2, 1, file ); fclose( file ); if( job->deinterlace ) { // Deinterlace and crop avpicture_deinterlace( &pic_deint, &pic_in, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, title->width, title->height ); av_picture_crop( &pic_crop, &pic_deint, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, job->crop[0], job->crop[2] ); } else { // Crop av_picture_crop( &pic_crop, &pic_in, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, job->crop[0], job->crop[2] ); } // Get scaling context context = sws_getContext(title->width - (job->crop[2] + job->crop[3]), title->height - (job->crop[0] + job->crop[1]), PIX_FMT_YUV420P, job->width, job->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, (uint16_t)(SWS_LANCZOS|SWS_ACCURATE_RND), NULL, NULL, NULL); // Scale sws_scale(context, pic_crop.data, pic_crop.linesize, 0, title->height - (job->crop[0] + job->crop[1]), pic_scale.data, pic_scale.linesize); // Free context sws_freeContext( context ); // Get preview context context = sws_getContext(job->width, job->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, job->width, job->height, PIX_FMT_RGBA32, (uint16_t)(SWS_LANCZOS|SWS_ACCURATE_RND), NULL, NULL, NULL); // Create preview sws_scale(context, pic_scale.data, pic_scale.linesize, 0, job->height, pic_preview.data, pic_preview.linesize); // Free context sws_freeContext( context ); /* Gray background */ p32 = (uint32_t *) buffer; for( i = 0; i < ( title->width + 2 ) * ( title->height + 2 ); i++ ) { p32[i] = 0xFF808080; } /* Draw the picture, centered, and draw the cropping zone */ pen = buffer + ( title->height - job->height ) * ( title->width + 2 ) * 2 + ( title->width - job->width ) * 2; memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 * ( job->width + 2 ) ); pen += 4 * ( title->width + 2 ); for( i = 0; i < job->height; i++ ) { uint8_t * nextLine; nextLine = pen + 4 * ( title->width + 2 ); memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 ); pen += 4; memcpy( pen, buf4 + 4 * job->width * i, 4 * job->width ); pen += 4 * job->width; memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 ); pen = nextLine; } memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 * ( job->width + 2 ) ); // Clean up avpicture_free( &pic_preview ); avpicture_free( &pic_scale ); avpicture_free( &pic_deint ); avpicture_free( &pic_in ); } /** * Calculates job width and height for anamorphic content. * @param job Handle to hb_job_t. */ void hb_set_anamorphic_size( hb_job_t * job) { hb_title_t * title = job->title; /* "Loose" anamorphic. - Uses mod16-compliant dimensions, - Allows users to set the width - Handles ITU pixel aspects */ /* Set up some variables to make the math easier to follow. */ int cropped_width = title->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3] ; int cropped_height = title->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1] ; int storage_aspect = cropped_width * 10000 / cropped_height; /* Gotta handle bounding dimensions differently than for non-anamorphic encodes: If the width is too big, just reset it with no rescaling. Instead of using the aspect-scaled job height, we need to see if the job width divided by the storage aspect is bigger than the max. If so, set it to the max (this is sloppy). If not, set job height to job width divided by storage aspect. */ if ( job->maxWidth && (job->maxWidth < job->width) ) job->width = job->maxWidth; if ( job->maxHeight && (job->maxHeight < (job->width / storage_aspect * 10000)) ) { job->height = job->maxHeight; } else { job->height = job->width * 10000 / storage_aspect; } /* Time to get picture dimensions that divide cleanly. These variables will store temporary dimensions as we iterate. */ int i, w, h, mod; /* In case the user specified a modulus, use it */ if (job->modulus) mod = job->modulus; else mod = 16; /* Iterate through multiples of mod to find one close to job->width. */ for( i = 1;; i++ ) { w = mod * i; if (w < job->width) { if ( ( job->width - w ) <= ( mod / 2 ) ) /* We'll take a width that's smaller, but close enough. */ break; } if (w == job->width) /* Mod 16 dimensions, how nice! */ break; if( w > job->width ) { if ( ( w - job->width ) < (mod/2) ) /* We'll take a width that's bigger, if we have to. */ break; } } job->width = mod * (i); /* Now do the same for a mod-friendly value near job->height. */ for( i = 1;; i++) { h = i * mod; if (h < job->height) { if ( ( job->height - h ) <= ( mod / 2 )) /* Go with a smaller height, if it's close enough. */ break; } if (h == job->height) /* Mod 16 dimensions, how nice! */ break; if ( h > job->height) { if ( ( h - job->height ) < ( mod / 2 )) /* Use a taller height if necessary */ break; } } job->height = mod * (i); if (cropped_width <= 706) { /* Handle ITU PARs */ if (title->height == 480) { /* It's NTSC */ if (title->aspect == 16) { /* It's widescreen */ job->pixel_aspect_width = 40; job->pixel_aspect_height = 33; } else { /* It's 4:3 */ job->pixel_aspect_width = 10; job->pixel_aspect_height = 11; } } else if (title->height == 576) { /* It's PAL */ if(title->aspect == 16) { /* It's widescreen */ job->pixel_aspect_width = 16; job->pixel_aspect_height = 11; } else { /* It's 4:3 */ job->pixel_aspect_width = 12; job->pixel_aspect_height = 11; } } } /* Figure out what dimensions the source would display at. */ int source_display_width = cropped_width * ((float)job->pixel_aspect_width / (float)job->pixel_aspect_height) ; /* The film AR is the source's display width / cropped source height. The output display width is the output height * film AR. The output PAR is the output display width / output storage width. */ job->pixel_aspect_width = job->height * source_display_width / cropped_height; job->pixel_aspect_height = job->width; /* While x264 is smart enough to reduce fractions on its own, libavcodec needs some help with the math, so lose superfluous factors. */ hb_reduce( &job->pixel_aspect_width, &job->pixel_aspect_height, job->pixel_aspect_width, job->pixel_aspect_height ); } /** * Calculates job width, height, and cropping parameters. * @param job Handle to hb_job_t. * @param aspect Desired aspect ratio. Value of -1 uses title aspect. * @param pixels Maximum desired pixel count. */ void hb_set_size( hb_job_t * job, int aspect, int pixels ) { hb_title_t * title = job->title; int croppedWidth = title->width - title->crop[2] - title->crop[3]; int croppedHeight = title->height - title->crop[0] - title->crop[1]; int croppedAspect = title->aspect * title->height * croppedWidth / croppedHeight / title->width; int addCrop; int i, w, h; if( aspect <= 0 ) { /* Keep the best possible aspect ratio */ aspect = croppedAspect; } /* Crop if necessary to obtain the desired ratio */ memcpy( job->crop, title->crop, 4 * sizeof( int ) ); if( aspect < croppedAspect ) { /* Need to crop on the left and right */ addCrop = croppedWidth - aspect * croppedHeight * title->width / title->aspect / title->height; if( addCrop & 3 ) { addCrop = ( addCrop + 1 ) / 2; job->crop[2] += addCrop; job->crop[3] += addCrop; } else if( addCrop & 2 ) { addCrop /= 2; job->crop[2] += addCrop - 1; job->crop[3] += addCrop + 1; } else { addCrop /= 2; job->crop[2] += addCrop; job->crop[3] += addCrop; } } else if( aspect > croppedAspect ) { /* Need to crop on the top and bottom */ addCrop = croppedHeight - croppedWidth * title->aspect * title->height / aspect / title->width; if( addCrop & 3 ) { addCrop = ( addCrop + 1 ) / 2; job->crop[0] += addCrop; job->crop[1] += addCrop; } else if( addCrop & 2 ) { addCrop /= 2; job->crop[0] += addCrop - 1; job->crop[1] += addCrop + 1; } else { addCrop /= 2; job->crop[0] += addCrop; job->crop[1] += addCrop; } } /* Compute a resolution from the number of pixels and aspect */ for( i = 0;; i++ ) { w = 16 * i; h = MULTIPLE_16( w * HB_ASPECT_BASE / aspect ); if( w * h > pixels ) { break; } } i--; job->width = 16 * i; job->height = MULTIPLE_16( 16 * i * HB_ASPECT_BASE / aspect ); } /** * Returns the number of jobs in the queue. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @return Number of jobs. */ int hb_count( hb_handle_t * h ) { return hb_list_count( h->jobs ); } /** * Returns handle to job at index i within the job list. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param i Index of job. * @returns Handle to hb_job_t of desired job. */ hb_job_t * hb_job( hb_handle_t * h, int i ) { return hb_list_item( h->jobs, i ); } hb_job_t * hb_current_job( hb_handle_t * h ) { return( h->current_job ); } /** * Adds a job to the job list. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param job Handle to hb_job_t. */ void hb_add( hb_handle_t * h, hb_job_t * job ) { hb_job_t * job_copy; hb_title_t * title, * title_copy; hb_chapter_t * chapter, * chapter_copy; hb_audio_t * audio, * audio_copy; hb_subtitle_t * subtitle, * subtitle_copy; int i; char audio_lang[4]; /* Copy the title */ title = job->title; title_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_title_t ) ); memcpy( title_copy, title, sizeof( hb_title_t ) ); title_copy->list_chapter = hb_list_init(); for( i = 0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_chapter ); i++ ) { chapter = hb_list_item( title->list_chapter, i ); chapter_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_chapter_t ) ); memcpy( chapter_copy, chapter, sizeof( hb_chapter_t ) ); hb_list_add( title_copy->list_chapter, chapter_copy ); } /* Copy the audio track(s) we want */ title_copy->list_audio = hb_list_init(); /* Do nothing about audio during first pass */ if( job->pass == 0 || job->pass == 2 ) { for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( job->audios[i] < 0 ) { break; } if( ( audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, job->audios[i] ) ) ) { audio_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_audio_t ) ); memcpy( audio_copy, audio, sizeof( hb_audio_t ) ); hb_list_add( title_copy->list_audio, audio_copy ); } } } title_copy->list_subtitle = hb_list_init(); /* * The following code is confusing, there are three ways in which * we select subtitles and it depends on whether this is single or * two pass mode. * * subtitle_scan may be enabled, in which case the first pass * scans all subtitles of that language. The second pass does not * select any because they are set at the end of the first pass. * * native_language may have a preferred language, in which case we * may be switching the language we want for the subtitles in the * first pass of a single pass, or the second pass of a two pass. * * We may have manually selected a subtitle, in which case that is * selected in the first pass of a single pass, or the second of a * two pass. */ memset( audio_lang, 0, sizeof( audio_lang ) ); if ( job->indepth_scan || job->native_language ) { /* * Find the first audio language that is being encoded */ for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( job->audios[i] < 0 ) { break; } if( ( audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, job->audios[i] ) ) ) { strncpy(audio_lang, audio->iso639_2, sizeof(audio_lang)); break; } } /* * In all cases switch the language if we need to to our native * language. */ if( job->native_language ) { if( strncasecmp( job->native_language, audio_lang, sizeof( audio_lang ) ) != 0 ) { if( job->pass != 2 ) { hb_log( "Enabled subtitles in native language '%s', audio is in '%s'", job->native_language, audio_lang); } /* * The main audio track is not in our native language, so switch * the subtitles to use our native language instead. */ strncpy( audio_lang, job->native_language, sizeof( audio_lang ) ); } else { /* * native language is irrelevent, free it. */ free( job->native_language ); job->native_language = NULL; } } } /* * If doing a subtitle scan then add all the matching subtitles for this * language. */ if ( job->indepth_scan ) { for( i=0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_subtitle ); i++ ) { subtitle = hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, i ); if( strcmp( subtitle->iso639_2, audio_lang ) == 0 ) { /* * Matched subtitle language with audio language, so * add this to our list to scan. * * We will update the subtitle list on the second pass * later after the first pass has completed. */ subtitle_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); memcpy( subtitle_copy, subtitle, sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); hb_list_add( title_copy->list_subtitle, subtitle_copy ); if ( job->native_language ) { /* * With native language just select the * first match in our langiage, not all of * them. Subsequent ones are likely to be commentary */ break; } } } } else { /* * Not doing a subtitle scan in this pass, but maybe we are in the * first pass? */ if( job->select_subtitle ) { /* * Don't add subtitles here, we'll add them via select_subtitle * at the end of the subtitle_scan. */ } else { /* * Definitely not doing a subtitle scan. */ if( job->pass != 1 && job->native_language ) { /* * We are not doing a subtitle scan but do want the * native langauge subtitle selected, so select it * for pass 0 or pass 2 of a two pass. */ for( i=0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_subtitle ); i++ ) { subtitle = hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, i ); if( strcmp( subtitle->iso639_2, audio_lang ) == 0 ) { /* * Matched subtitle language with audio language, so * add this to our list to scan. */ subtitle_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); memcpy( subtitle_copy, subtitle, sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); hb_list_add( title_copy->list_subtitle, subtitle_copy ); break; } } } else { /* * Manually selected subtitle, in which case only * bother adding them for pass 0 or pass 2 of a two * pass. */ if( job->pass != 1 ) { if( ( subtitle = hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, job->subtitle ) ) ) { subtitle_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); memcpy( subtitle_copy, subtitle, sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) ); hb_list_add( title_copy->list_subtitle, subtitle_copy ); } } } } } /* Copy the job */ job_copy = calloc( sizeof( hb_job_t ), 1 ); memcpy( job_copy, job, sizeof( hb_job_t ) ); title_copy->job = job_copy; job_copy->title = title_copy; job_copy->file = strdup( job->file ); job_copy->h = h; job_copy->pause = h->pause_lock; /* Copy the job filter list */ if( job->filters ) { int i; int filter_count = hb_list_count( job->filters ); job_copy->filters = hb_list_init(); for( i = 0; i < filter_count; i++ ) { hb_filter_object_t * filter = hb_list_item( job->filters, i ); hb_list_add( job_copy->filters, filter ); } } /* Add the job to the list */ hb_list_add( h->jobs, job_copy ); h->job_count = hb_count(h); h->job_count_permanent++; } /** * Removes a job from the job list. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param job Handle to hb_job_t. */ void hb_rem( hb_handle_t * h, hb_job_t * job ) { hb_list_rem( h->jobs, job ); h->job_count = hb_count(h); if (h->job_count_permanent) h->job_count_permanent--; /* XXX free everything XXX */ } /** * Starts the conversion process. * Sets state to HB_STATE_WORKING. * calls hb_work_init, to launch work thread. Stores handle to work thread. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. */ void hb_start( hb_handle_t * h ) { /* XXX Hack */ h->job_count = hb_list_count( h->jobs ); h->job_count_permanent = h->job_count; hb_lock( h->state_lock ); h->state.state = HB_STATE_WORKING; #define p h->state.param.working p.progress = 0.0; p.job_cur = 1; p.job_count = h->job_count; p.rate_cur = 0.0; p.rate_avg = 0.0; p.hours = -1; p.minutes = -1; p.seconds = -1; p.sequence_id = 0; #undef p hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); h->paused = 0; h->work_die = 0; h->work_thread = hb_work_init( h->jobs, h->cpu_count, &h->work_die, &h->work_error, &h->current_job ); } /** * Pauses the conversion process. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. */ void hb_pause( hb_handle_t * h ) { if( !h->paused ) { hb_lock( h->pause_lock ); h->paused = 1; hb_lock( h->state_lock ); h->state.state = HB_STATE_PAUSED; hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); } } /** * Resumes the conversion process. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. */ void hb_resume( hb_handle_t * h ) { if( h->paused ) { hb_unlock( h->pause_lock ); h->paused = 0; } } /** * Stops the conversion process. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. */ void hb_stop( hb_handle_t * h ) { h->work_die = 1; h->job_count = hb_count(h); h->job_count_permanent = 0; hb_resume( h ); } /** * Returns the state of the conversion process. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t. * @param s Handle to hb_state_t which to copy the state data. */ void hb_get_state( hb_handle_t * h, hb_state_t * s ) { hb_lock( h->state_lock ); memcpy( s, &h->state, sizeof( hb_state_t ) ); if ( h->state.state == HB_STATE_SCANDONE || h->state.state == HB_STATE_WORKDONE ) h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE; hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); } void hb_get_state2( hb_handle_t * h, hb_state_t * s ) { hb_lock( h->state_lock ); memcpy( s, &h->state, sizeof( hb_state_t ) ); hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); } /** * Called in MacGui in UpdateUI to check * for a new scan being completed to set a new source */ int hb_get_scancount( hb_handle_t * h) { return h->scanCount; } /** * Closes access to libhb by freeing the hb_handle_t handle ontained in hb_init_real. * @param _h Pointer to handle to hb_handle_t. */ void hb_close( hb_handle_t ** _h ) { hb_handle_t * h = *_h; hb_title_t * title; h->die = 1; hb_thread_close( &h->main_thread ); while( ( title = hb_list_item( h->list_title, 0 ) ) ) { hb_list_rem( h->list_title, title ); if( title->job && title->job->filters ) { hb_list_close( &title->job->filters ); } free( title->job ); hb_title_close( &title ); } hb_list_close( &h->list_title ); hb_list_close( &h->jobs ); hb_lock_close( &h->state_lock ); hb_lock_close( &h->pause_lock ); free( h ); *_h = NULL; } /** * Monitors the state of the update, scan, and work threads. * Sets scan done state when scan thread exits. * Sets work done state when work thread exits. * @param _h Handle to hb_handle_t */ static void thread_func( void * _h ) { hb_handle_t * h = (hb_handle_t *) _h; char dirname[1024]; DIR * dir; struct dirent * entry; h->pid = getpid(); /* Create folder for temporary files */ memset( dirname, 0, 1024 ); hb_get_tempory_directory( h, dirname ); hb_mkdir( dirname ); while( !h->die ) { /* In case the check_update thread hangs, it'll die sooner or later. Then, we join it here */ if( h->update_thread && hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) ) { hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread ); } /* Check if the scan thread is done */ if( h->scan_thread && hb_thread_has_exited( h->scan_thread ) ) { hb_thread_close( &h->scan_thread ); hb_log( "libhb: scan thread found %d valid title(s)", hb_list_count( h->list_title ) ); hb_lock( h->state_lock ); h->state.state = HB_STATE_SCANDONE; //originally state.state hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); /*we increment this sessions scan count by one for the MacGui to trigger a new source being set */ h->scanCount++; } /* Check if the work thread is done */ if( h->work_thread && hb_thread_has_exited( h->work_thread ) ) { hb_thread_close( &h->work_thread ); hb_log( "libhb: work result = %d", h->work_error ); hb_lock( h->state_lock ); h->state.state = HB_STATE_WORKDONE; h->state.param.workdone.error = h->work_error; h->job_count = hb_count(h); if (h->job_count < 1) h->job_count_permanent = 0; hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); } hb_snooze( 50 ); } if( h->work_thread ) { hb_stop( h ); hb_thread_close( &h->work_thread ); } /* Remove temp folder */ dir = opendir( dirname ); while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) ) { char filename[1024]; if( entry->d_name[0] == '.' ) { continue; } memset( filename, 0, 1024 ); snprintf( filename, 1023, "%s/%s", dirname, entry->d_name ); unlink( filename ); } closedir( dir ); rmdir( dirname ); } /** * Returns the PID. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t */ int hb_get_pid( hb_handle_t * h ) { return h->pid; } /** * Sets the current state. * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t * @param s Handle to new hb_state_t */ void hb_set_state( hb_handle_t * h, hb_state_t * s ) { hb_lock( h->pause_lock ); hb_lock( h->state_lock ); memcpy( &h->state, s, sizeof( hb_state_t ) ); if( h->state.state == HB_STATE_WORKING ) { /* XXX Hack */ if (h->job_count < 1) h->job_count_permanent = 1; h->state.param.working.job_cur = h->job_count_permanent - hb_list_count( h->jobs ); h->state.param.working.job_count = h->job_count_permanent; // Set which job is being worked on if (h->current_job) h->state.param.working.sequence_id = h->current_job->sequence_id; else h->state.param.working.sequence_id = 0; } hb_unlock( h->state_lock ); hb_unlock( h->pause_lock ); }