/* $Id: encfaac.c,v 1.13 2005/03/03 17:21:57 titer Exp $ This file is part of the HandBrake source code. Homepage: . It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "hb.h" #include "faac.h" struct hb_work_private_s { hb_job_t * job; faacEncHandle * faac; unsigned long input_samples; unsigned long output_bytes; uint8_t * buf; hb_list_t * list; int64_t pts; }; int encfaacInit( hb_work_object_t *, hb_job_t * ); int encfaacWork( hb_work_object_t *, hb_buffer_t **, hb_buffer_t ** ); void encfaacClose( hb_work_object_t * ); hb_work_object_t hb_encfaac = { WORK_ENCFAAC, "AAC encoder (libfaac)", encfaacInit, encfaacWork, encfaacClose }; /*********************************************************************** * hb_work_encfaac_init *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ int encfaacInit( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_job_t * job ) { hb_work_private_t * pv = calloc( 1, sizeof( hb_work_private_t ) ); faacEncConfigurationPtr cfg; uint8_t * bytes; unsigned long length; w->private_data = pv; pv->job = job; pv->faac = faacEncOpen( job->arate, 2, &pv->input_samples, &pv->output_bytes ); pv->buf = malloc( pv->input_samples * sizeof( float ) ); cfg = faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration( pv->faac ); cfg->mpegVersion = MPEG4; cfg->aacObjectType = LOW; cfg->allowMidside = 1; cfg->useLfe = 0; cfg->useTns = 0; cfg->bitRate = job->abitrate * 500; /* Per channel */ cfg->bandWidth = 0; cfg->outputFormat = 0; cfg->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_FLOAT; if( !faacEncSetConfiguration( pv->faac, cfg ) ) { hb_log( "faacEncSetConfiguration failed" ); } if( faacEncGetDecoderSpecificInfo( pv->faac, &bytes, &length ) < 0 ) { hb_log( "faacEncGetDecoderSpecificInfo failed" ); } memcpy( w->config->aac.bytes, bytes, length ); w->config->aac.length = length; free( bytes ); pv->list = hb_list_init(); pv->pts = -1; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * Close *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ void encfaacClose( hb_work_object_t * w ) { hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data; faacEncClose( pv->faac ); free( pv->buf ); hb_list_empty( &pv->list ); } /*********************************************************************** * Encode *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ static hb_buffer_t * Encode( hb_work_object_t * w ) { hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data; hb_buffer_t * buf; uint64_t pts; int pos; if( hb_list_bytes( pv->list ) < pv->input_samples * sizeof( float ) ) { /* Need more data */ return NULL; } hb_list_getbytes( pv->list, pv->buf, pv->input_samples * sizeof( float ), &pts, &pos ); buf = hb_buffer_init( pv->output_bytes ); buf->start = pts + 90000 * pos / 2 / sizeof( float ) / pv->job->arate; buf->stop = buf->start + 90000 * pv->input_samples / pv->job->arate / 2; buf->size = faacEncEncode( pv->faac, (int32_t *) pv->buf, pv->input_samples, buf->data, pv->output_bytes ); buf->key = 1; if( !buf->size ) { /* Encoding was successful but we got no data. Try to encode more */ hb_buffer_close( &buf ); return Encode( w ); } else if( buf->size < 0 ) { hb_log( "faacEncEncode failed" ); hb_buffer_close( &buf ); return NULL; } return buf; } /*********************************************************************** * Work *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ int encfaacWork( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_buffer_t ** buf_in, hb_buffer_t ** buf_out ) { hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data; hb_buffer_t * buf; hb_list_add( pv->list, *buf_in ); *buf_in = NULL; *buf_out = buf = Encode( w ); while( buf ) { buf->next = Encode( w ); buf = buf->next; } return HB_WORK_OK; }