## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in icons = \ hb-icon.svg fr.handbrake.ghb.svg icons_dep = \ icons/24x24/apps/hb-remove.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-source.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-picture.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-add-queue.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-showqueue.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-activity.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-start.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-stop.png \ icons/32x32/apps/hb-pause.png \ icons/48x48/apps/hb-remove.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-source.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-picture.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-add-queue.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-showqueue.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-activity.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-start.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-stop.png \ icons/64x64/apps/hb-pause.png \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-source.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-picture.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-add-queue.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-showqueue.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-activity.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-start.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-stop.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-pause.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-remove.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-complete.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-edit.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-icon.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/hb-advanced.svg \ icons/scalable/apps/fr.handbrake.ghb.svg hb_menu = fr.handbrake.ghb.desktop metainfodir = $(datarootdir)/metainfo metainfo_in_files = fr.handbrake.ghb.metainfo.xml.in if ! MINGW metainfo_DATA = $(metainfo_in_files:.xml.in=.xml) dist_metainfo_DATA = $(metainfo_files) endif EXTRA_DIST = \ $(metainfo_in_files) DISTCLEANFILES = \ $(metainfo_files) AM_CPPFLAGS = \ -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \ -DPACKAGE_SRC_DIR=\""$(srcdir)"\" \ -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \ $(HB_CPPFLAGS) AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -g bin_PROGRAMS = ghb # Dummy file, not built. Forces g++ linking nodist_EXTRA_ghb_SOURCES = dummy.cpp ghb_SOURCES = \ ghbcompat.c \ ghbcompat.h \ callbacks.c \ callbacks.h \ chapters.c \ chapters.h \ queuehandler.c \ queuehandler.h \ videohandler.c \ videohandler.h \ audiohandler.c \ audiohandler.h \ subtitlehandler.c \ subtitlehandler.h \ main.c \ jobdict.c \ jobdict.h \ titledict.c \ titledict.h \ settings.c \ settings.h \ resources.c \ resources.h \ presets.c \ presets.h \ preview.c \ data_res.c \ data_res.h \ ui_res.c \ ui_res.h \ icon_res.c \ icon_res.h \ icons.c \ icons.h \ values.c \ values.h \ appcast.c \ appcast.h \ plist.c \ plist.h \ hb-backend.c \ hb-backend.h \ renderer_button.h \ renderer_button.c \ ghb-dvd.c \ ghb-dvd.h \ marshalers.c \ marshalers.h if MINGW ghb_LDFLAGS = \ -mwindows else ghb_LDFLAGS = \ -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL endif ghb_LDADD = $(HB_LIBS) ghb_DEPENDENCIES = $(HB_DIR)/libhb/libhandbrake.a icon_res.c : icon_res.gresource.xml $(icons_dep) glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_icons --manual-register --sourcedir=$(srcdir) $< icon_res.h : icon_res.gresource.xml $(icons_dep) glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_icons --manual-register --sourcedir=$(srcdir) $< icon_res.o: icon_res.c icon_res.h icons.o: icon_res.h data_res.c : data_res.gresource.xml $(srcdir)/internal_defaults.json widget.deps widget_reverse.deps cp $(srcdir)/internal_defaults.json . glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_data --manual-register $< data_res.h : data_res.gresource.xml $(srcdir)/internal_defaults.json widget.deps widget_reverse.deps cp $(srcdir)/internal_defaults.json . glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_data --manual-register $< if GHB_GTK_4_00 UI=400 UI_FILE=ghb4.ui else if GHB_GTK_3_16 UI=316 UI_FILE=ghb3.ui else UI=300 UI_FILE=ghb3.ui endif endif ui_res.c : ui_res.gresource.xml ui_res.h $(srcdir)/$(UI_FILE) glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_ui --manual-register $< ui_res.h : ui_res.gresource.xml $(srcdir)/$(UI_FILE) cp $(srcdir)/$(UI_FILE) ghb.ui glib-compile-resources --generate --target=$@ --c-name ghb_ui --manual-register $< ui_res.o: ui_res.h ui_res.c main.o : ui_res.o resources.o: data_res.h widget_reverse.deps: makedeps.py widget.deps: makedeps.py $(HB_PYTHON) $(srcdir)/makedeps.py fr.handbrake.ghb.metainfo.xml: fr.handbrake.ghb.metainfo.xml.in $(AM_V_GEN) $(MSGFMT) --xml --template $< -d $(top_srcdir)/po -o $@ fr.handbrake.ghb.metainfo.xml.in: fr.handbrake.ghb.metainfo.template.xml sed -e 's^RELEASE_TAG^^' $< > $@ $(srcdir)/marshalers.h: marshalers.list glib-genmarshal --prefix=ghb_marshal $(srcdir)/marshalers.list --header > $(srcdir)/marshalers.h $(srcdir)/marshalers.c: marshalers.list glib-genmarshal --prefix=ghb_marshal $(srcdir)/marshalers.list --body > $(srcdir)/marshalers.c gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/icons/hicolor uninstall-local: for icon in $(icons); do \ rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/$$icon; \ done @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ echo "Updating Gtk icon cache."; \ $(gtk_update_icon_cache); \ else \ echo "*** Icon cache not updated. After install, run this:"; \ echo "*** $(gtk_update_icon_cache)"; \ fi rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/applications/$(hb_menu) install-data-local: for icon in $(icons); do \ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$icon $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/$$icon; \ done @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ echo "Updating Gtk icon cache."; \ $(gtk_update_icon_cache); \ else \ echo "*** Icon cache not updated. After install, run this:"; \ echo "*** $(gtk_update_icon_cache)"; \ fi mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/applications/; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$(hb_menu) $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/applications/$(hb_menu)