$Id: TRANSLATIONS,v 1.2 2004/03/22 18:20:30 titer Exp $ TRANSLATIONS file for HandBrake <http://handbrake.m0k.org/> Translating HandBrake ===================== Only the OS X interface of HandBrake can be translated at the moment. Localization is not implemented in BeOS and GTK GUIs. HandBrake uses the NSLocalizedString() OS X function to translate every item in the interface. Therefore, you don't need (and mustn't) modify the nib files. All you have to do is to write a Localizable.strings for your language. You can get it (for the latest release) at <http://handbrake.m0k.org/Localizable.strings>. Edit it with Xcode, save it to HandBrake/macosx/i18n/xx.strings (where 'xx' are the two letters representing your language), then add 'xx' to the language list in the Jamrules file.