#! /bin/sh # Incremented every time a new contrib package is available VERSION=`cat MacOsXContribBinariesVersion.txt` if [ -f contrib/DarwinContribVersion.txt ]; then if [ "`cat contrib/DarwinContribVersion.txt`" = $VERSION ]; then echo "Contribs are up to date." exit 0 fi fi HOST=download.m0k.org #HOST=download.mediafork.dynalias.com #HOST=sr55.ashosted.com FILE=contribbin-darwin-$VERSION.tar.gz #URL=http://$HOST/contrib/$FILE URL=http://$HOST/handbrake/contrib/$FILE # Check for internet connectivity if ! host $HOST > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Please connect to the Internet (could not resolve $HOST)." exit 1 fi # Look for something that can handle an HTTP download WGET="curl -L -O" # Get and install the package echo "Getting contribs ($VERSION)..." ( cd contrib && rm -f $FILE && $WGET $URL && rm -Rf lib include && \ tar xzf $FILE && ranlib lib/*.a ) || exit 1 exit 0