# This script build the contrib libs
# This used on MaxOs X to generate a universal version of the contrib libraries
# The new building process for HandBrake is to download a precompiled universal contrib folder
# and use them to build universal binaries of HandBrake
# pri: 01/28/07
# ########################################################################
# Parameters:
# Package Version  (Version must be incremented to ensure that each of trunk/branches use the correct version)
# IP of the other platform host
# Username to connect with (passwordless must be setup between the 2 machines)
# ie:  ./BuildContribsDarwin.sh 0001 toto
# #########################################################################
# The script will connect to the other computer, download and build all of the contrib libraries
# and in the same time download and compile the contrib libraries on the native system
# My setup to do that is Mac Pro Intel as native and a Mac mini G4 ppc as foreign
# Native is the master computer, it sends compile commands to the foreign, get the library, then do a lipo 
# to assemble both versions and put a universal binary version of the library in contrib/lib folder
# Once all of the contrib libraries are builded, a contribbin-darwin-${version}.tar.gz file is created, this file must
# be uploaded to the ftp server so Xcode will be able to build universal binaries of the HandBrake, HandBrakeCLI and libhb
# ##########################################################################
# SSH passwordless setup instructions
# 1) log on native using terminal
# 2) ssh-keygen -t rsa
# 3) leave passphrase empty (hit return)
# 4) copy the $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to foreign machine $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
# ##########################################################################
export VERSION=$1
export IP=$2
export USERNAME=$3
export REPOS=svn://svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake/trunk
# ##########################################################################
# Launch the build on the foreign system
# ##########################################################################
ssh $USERNAME@$IP "rm -rf HBBUILDTMP ; mkdir HBBUILDTMP ; svn co $REPOS HBBUILDTMP ; cd HBBUILDTMP ; ./configure ; cd contrib ; cp ../config.jam . ; ../jam ; touch BUILDTERMINATED" &
cd contrib
rm -rf lib include *tar.gz bin share man native foreign
cp ../config.jam .
# Use the new UB jam to be shure to use the correct version to build libraries (native on each system)
mkdir native
mv lib native
mkdir lib
mkdir foreign
# wait until the foreign build is done :)
echo the foreign build is done, transferring files to native computer:
cd foreign
mkdir lib
cd lib
scp $USERNAME@$IP:/Users/$USERNAME/HBBUILDTMP/contrib/lib/*a .
for lib in `ls *.a`
	echo ... lipo contrib libraries: $lib
	lipo -create $lib ../../native/lib/$lib -output ../../lib/$lib

cd ../..
echo $VERSION > DarwinContribVersion.txt
echo Creating contribbin-darwin-$VERSION.tar.gz
tar zcvf contribbin-darwin-$VERSION.tar.gz lib include  DarwinContribVersion.txt
echo Done....
ls -l contribbin-darwin-$VERSION.tar.gz
cd ..
echo $VERSION > MacOsXContribBinariesVersion.txt