path: root/win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs b/win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs
index b51b6d470..b67c26a4e 100644
--- a/win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs
+++ b/win/CS/HandBrake.Interop/HandBrakeInterop/HandBrakeInstance.cs
@@ -12,22 +12,31 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
+ using System.Drawing;
+ using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
- using System.Windows.Media;
+ using System.Timers;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using HandBrake.Interop.EventArgs;
using HandBrake.Interop.HbLib;
using HandBrake.Interop.Helpers;
using HandBrake.Interop.Interfaces;
+ using HandBrake.Interop.Json.Factories;
+ using HandBrake.Interop.Json.Scan;
+ using HandBrake.Interop.Json.State;
using HandBrake.Interop.Model;
using HandBrake.Interop.Model.Encoding;
using HandBrake.Interop.Model.Scan;
+ using Newtonsoft.Json;
+ using Size = HandBrake.Interop.Model.Size;
/// <summary>
/// A wrapper for a HandBrake instance.
/// </summary>
@@ -66,12 +75,12 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
/// <summary>
/// The timer to poll for scan status.
/// </summary>
- private System.Timers.Timer scanPollTimer;
+ private Timer scanPollTimer;
/// <summary>
/// The timer to poll for encode status.
/// </summary>
- private System.Timers.Timer encodePollTimer;
+ private Timer encodePollTimer;
/// <summary>
/// The list of original titles in native structure form.
@@ -109,6 +118,11 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
private bool disposed;
/// <summary>
+ /// The last scan.
+ /// </summary>
+ private JsonScanObject lastScan;
+ /// <summary>
/// Finalizes an instance of the HandBrakeInstance class.
/// </summary>
@@ -251,7 +265,7 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
HBFunctions.hb_scan(this.hbHandle, pathPtr, titleIndex, previewCount, 1, (ulong)(minDuration.TotalSeconds * 90000));
- this.scanPollTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
+ this.scanPollTimer = new Timer();
this.scanPollTimer.Interval = ScanPollIntervalMs;
// Lambda notation used to make sure we can view any JIT exceptions the method throws
@@ -306,8 +320,8 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
// We've copied the data out of unmanaged memory. Clean up that memory now.
- var bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(outputWidth, outputHeight);
- System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, outputWidth, outputHeight), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
+ var bitmap = new Bitmap(outputWidth, outputHeight);
+ BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, outputWidth, outputHeight), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
IntPtr ptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
@@ -323,7 +337,7 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
- bitmap.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
+ bitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
@@ -575,7 +589,7 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
// Should be safe to clean up the job we started with; a copy is in the queue now.
- this.encodePollTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
+ this.encodePollTimer = new Timer();
this.encodePollTimer.Interval = EncodePollIntervalMs;
this.encodePollTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) =>
@@ -803,47 +817,50 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
/// </summary>
private void PollScanProgress()
- var state = new hb_state_s();
- HBFunctions.hb_get_state(this.hbHandle, ref state);
+ IntPtr json = HBFunctions.hb_get_state_json(this.hbHandle);
+ string statusJson = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(json);
+ JsonState state = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonState>(statusJson);
- if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANNING)
+ if (state.State == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANNING)
if (this.ScanProgress != null)
- hb_state_scanning_anon scanningState = state.param.scanning;
this.ScanProgress(this, new ScanProgressEventArgs
- {
- Progress = scanningState.progress,
- CurrentPreview = scanningState.preview_cur,
- Previews = scanningState.preview_count,
- CurrentTitle = scanningState.title_cur,
- Titles = scanningState.title_count
- });
+ {
+ Progress = state.Scanning.Progress,
+ CurrentPreview = state.Scanning.Preview,
+ Previews = state.Scanning.PreviewCount,
+ CurrentTitle = state.Scanning.Title,
+ Titles = state.Scanning.TitleCount
+ });
- else if (state.state == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANDONE)
+ else if (state.State == NativeConstants.HB_STATE_SCANDONE)
this.titles = new List<Title>();
IntPtr titleSetPtr = HBFunctions.hb_get_title_set(this.hbHandle);
- hb_title_set_s titleSet = InteropUtilities.ToStructureFromPtr<hb_title_set_s>(titleSetPtr);
- this.originalTitles = titleSet.list_title.ToListFromHandBrakeList<hb_title_s>();
+ var jsonMsg = HBFunctions.hb_get_title_set_json(this.hbHandle);
+ string scanJson = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(jsonMsg);
+ JsonScanObject scanObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonScanObject>(scanJson);
+ lastScan = scanObject;
- foreach (hb_title_s title in this.originalTitles)
+ foreach (Title title in ScanFactory.CreateTitleSet(scanObject))
- this.titles.Add(this.ConvertTitle(title));
- }
+ // Convert the Path to UTF-8.
+ byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(title.Path);
+ string utf8Str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
+ title.Path = utf8Str;
- if (this.originalTitles.Count > 0)
- {
- this.featureTitle = titleSet.feature;
- }
- else
- {
- this.featureTitle = 0;
+ // Set the Main Title.
+ this.featureTitle = title.IsMainFeature ? title.TitleNumber : 0;
+ this.titles.Add(title);
+ hb_title_set_s titleSet = InteropUtilities.ToStructureFromPtr<hb_title_set_s>(titleSetPtr);
+ this.originalTitles = titleSet.list_title.ToListFromHandBrakeList<hb_title_s>();
if (this.ScanCompleted != null)
@@ -1455,7 +1472,7 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
int subtitleAddSucceded = HBFunctions.hb_subtitle_add(ref nativeJob, ref subtitleConfig, sourceSubtitle.TrackNumber - 1);
if (subtitleAddSucceded == 0)
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Subtitle add failed");
+ Debug.WriteLine("Subtitle add failed");
@@ -1476,7 +1493,7 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
int srtAddSucceded = HBFunctions.hb_srt_add(ref nativeJob, ref subtitleConfig, srtSubtitle.LanguageCode);
if (srtAddSucceded == 0)
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SRT add failed");
+ Debug.WriteLine("SRT add failed");
@@ -1850,147 +1867,6 @@ namespace HandBrake.Interop
/// <summary>
- /// Converts a native title to a Title object.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="title">The native title structure.</param>
- /// <returns>The managed Title object.</returns>
- private Title ConvertTitle(hb_title_s title)
- {
- var newTitle = new Title
- {
- TitleNumber = title.index,
- Playlist = title.playlist,
- Resolution = new Size(title.geometry.width, title.geometry.height),
- ParVal = new Size(title.geometry.par.num, title.geometry.par.den),
- Duration = Converters.Converters.PtsToTimeSpan(title.duration),
- DurationPts = title.duration,
- AutoCropDimensions = new Cropping
- {
- Top = title.crop[0],
- Bottom = title.crop[1],
- Left = title.crop[2],
- Right = title.crop[3]
- },
- AspectRatio = title.container_dar.den != 0 ? Math.Round((decimal)title.container_dar.num / title.container_dar.den, 2) : 1.0m, // TODO FIx
- AngleCount = title.angle_count,
- VideoCodecName = title.video_codec_name,
- Framerate = ((double)title.vrate.num) / title.vrate.den,
- FramerateNumerator = title.vrate.num,
- FramerateDenominator = title.vrate.den,
- Path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(title.path).TrimEnd('\0')
- };
- switch (title.type)
- {
- case hb_title_type_anon.HB_STREAM_TYPE:
- newTitle.InputType = InputType.Stream;
- break;
- case hb_title_type_anon.HB_DVD_TYPE:
- newTitle.InputType = InputType.Dvd;
- break;
- case hb_title_type_anon.HB_BD_TYPE:
- newTitle.InputType = InputType.Bluray;
- break;
- }
- int currentSubtitleTrack = 1;
- List<hb_subtitle_s> subtitleList = title.list_subtitle.ToListFromHandBrakeList<hb_subtitle_s>();
- foreach (hb_subtitle_s subtitle in subtitleList)
- {
- var newSubtitle = new Subtitle
- {
- TrackNumber = currentSubtitleTrack,
- Language = subtitle.lang,
- LanguageCode = subtitle.iso639_2
- };
- if (subtitle.format == hb_subtitle_s_subtype.PICTURESUB)
- {
- newSubtitle.SubtitleType = SubtitleType.Picture;
- }
- else if (subtitle.format == hb_subtitle_s_subtype.TEXTSUB)
- {
- newSubtitle.SubtitleType = SubtitleType.Text;
- }
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSourceInt = (int)subtitle.source;
- switch (subtitle.source)
- {
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.CC608SUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.CC608;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.CC708SUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.CC708;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.SRTSUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.SRT;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.SSASUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.SSA;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.TX3GSUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.TX3G;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.UTF8SUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.UTF8;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.VOBSUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.VobSub;
- break;
- case hb_subtitle_s_subsource.PGSSUB:
- newSubtitle.SubtitleSource = SubtitleSource.PGS;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- newTitle.Subtitles.Add(newSubtitle);
- currentSubtitleTrack++;
- }
- int currentAudioTrack = 1;
- List<hb_audio_s> audioList = title.list_audio.ToListFromHandBrakeList<hb_audio_s>();
- foreach (hb_audio_s audio in audioList)
- {
- var newAudio = new AudioTrack
- {
- TrackNumber = currentAudioTrack,
- Codec = Converters.Converters.NativeToAudioCodec(audio.config.input.codec),
- CodecParam = audio.config.input.codec_param,
- CodecId = audio.config.input.codec,
- Language = audio.config.lang.simple,
- LanguageCode = audio.config.lang.iso639_2,
- Description = audio.config.lang.description,
- ChannelLayout = audio.config.input.channel_layout,
- SampleRate = audio.config.input.samplerate,
- Bitrate = audio.config.input.bitrate
- };
- newTitle.AudioTracks.Add(newAudio);
- currentAudioTrack++;
- }
- List<hb_chapter_s> chapterList = title.list_chapter.ToListFromHandBrakeList<hb_chapter_s>();
- foreach (hb_chapter_s chapter in chapterList)
- {
- var newChapter = new Chapter
- {
- Name = chapter.title,
- ChapterNumber = chapter.index,
- Duration = Converters.Converters.PtsToTimeSpan(chapter.duration),
- DurationPts = chapter.duration
- };
- newTitle.Chapters.Add(newChapter);
- }
- return newTitle;
- }
- /// <summary>
/// Gets the cropping to use for the given encoding profile and title.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="profile">The encoding profile to use.</param>