path: root/macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m b/macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m
index b6433ef8a..5f2c7ef5b 100644
--- a/macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m
+++ b/macosx/HBSubtitlesController.m
@@ -7,56 +7,21 @@
#import "HBSubtitlesController.h"
#import "HBSubtitlesDefaultsController.h"
-#import "HBJob.h"
+#import "HBSubtitles.h"
+#import "HBSubtitlesDefaults.h"
#include "hb.h"
#include "lang.h"
-NSString *keySubTrackSelectionIndex = @"keySubTrackSelectionIndex";
-NSString *keySubTrackName = @"keySubTrackName";
-NSString *keySubTrackIndex = @"keySubTrackIndex";
-NSString *keySubTrackLanguage = @"keySubTrackLanguage";
-NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode = @"keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode";
-NSString *keySubTrackType = @"keySubTrackType";
-NSString *keySubTrackForced = @"keySubTrackForced";
-NSString *keySubTrackBurned = @"keySubTrackBurned";
-NSString *keySubTrackDefault = @"keySubTrackDefault";
-NSString *keySubTrackSrtOffset = @"keySubTrackSrtOffset";
-NSString *keySubTrackSrtFilePath = @"keySubTrackSrtFilePath";
-NSString *keySubTrackSrtCharCode = @"keySubTrackSrtCharCode";
-NSString *keySubTrackSrtCharCodeIndex = @"keySubTrackSrtCharCodeIndex";
-NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
+static void *HBSubtitlesControllerContext = &HBSubtitlesControllerContext;
@interface HBSubtitlesController () <NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate>
// IBOutles
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *fTableView;
-@property (assign) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *trackPopUp;
-@property (assign) IBOutlet NSButton *configureDefaults;
-@property (assign) IBOutlet NSButton *reloadDefaults;
-// Subtitles arrays
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSMutableArray *subtitleArray;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSMutableArray *subtitleSourceArray;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSString *foreignAudioSearchTrackName;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite) int container;
// Defaults
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) HBSubtitlesDefaultsController *defaultsController;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) HBSubtitlesDefaults *settings;
-// Table view cells models
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *charCodeArray;
-@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL foreignAudioSearchSelected;
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *languagesArray;
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger languagesArrayDefIndex;
// Cached table view's cells
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSPopUpButtonCell *languagesCell;
@@ -69,125 +34,43 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (instancetype)init
self = [super initWithNibName:@"Subtitles" bundle:nil];
- if (self)
- {
- _subtitleSourceArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- _subtitleArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- _languagesArray = [[self populateLanguageArray] retain];
- // populate the charCodeArray.
- _charCodeArray = [@[@"ANSI_X3.4-1968", @"ANSI_X3.4-1986", @"ANSI_X3.4", @"ANSI_X3.110-1983", @"ANSI_X3.110", @"ASCII",
- @"ECMA-114", @"ECMA-118", @"ECMA-128", @"ECMA-CYRILLIC", @"IEC_P27-1", @"ISO-8859-1", @"ISO-8859-2",
- @"ISO-8859-3", @"ISO-8859-4", @"ISO-8859-5", @"ISO-8859-6", @"ISO-8859-7", @"ISO-8859-8", @"ISO-8859-9",
- @"ISO-8859-9E", @"ISO-8859-10", @"ISO-8859-11", @"ISO-8859-13", @"ISO-8859-14", @"ISO-8859-15", @"ISO-8859-16",
- @"UTF-7", @"UTF-8", @"UTF-16", @"UTF-16LE", @"UTF-16BE", @"UTF-32", @"UTF-32LE", @"UTF-32BE"] retain];
- // Register as observer for the HBJob notifications.
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(containerChanged:) name: HBContainerChangedNotification object: nil];
- }
+ [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"self.subtitles.tracks" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:HBSubtitlesControllerContext];
return self;
-- (void)setJob:(HBJob *)job
- /* reset the subtitles arrays */
- [self.subtitleArray removeAllObjects];
- [self.subtitleSourceArray removeAllObjects];
- self.settings = nil;
+#pragma mark - KVO
- if (job)
+- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
+ if (context == HBSubtitlesControllerContext)
- _job = job;
- self.subtitleArray = job.subtitlesTracks;
- self.settings = job.subtitlesDefaults;
- self.subtitleSourceArray = [[job.title.subtitlesTracks mutableCopy] autorelease];
- NSMutableArray *forcedSourceNamesArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSDictionary *dict in self.subtitleSourceArray)
- {
- enum subsource source = [dict[keySubTrackType] intValue];
- NSString *subSourceName = @(hb_subsource_name(source));
- // if the subtitle track can be forced, add its source name to the array
- if (hb_subtitle_can_force(source) && [forcedSourceNamesArray containsObject:subSourceName] == NO)
- {
- [forcedSourceNamesArray addObject:subSourceName];
- }
- }
- // now set the name of the Foreign Audio Search track
- if (forcedSourceNamesArray.count)
- {
- [forcedSourceNamesArray sortUsingComparator:^(id obj1, id obj2)
- {
- return [((NSString *)obj1) compare:((NSString *)obj2)];
- }];
- NSString *tempList = @"";
- for (NSString *tempString in forcedSourceNamesArray)
- {
- if (tempList.length)
- {
- tempList = [tempList stringByAppendingString:@", "];
- }
- tempList = [tempList stringByAppendingString:tempString];
- }
- self.foreignAudioSearchTrackName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Foreign Audio Search (Bitmap) (%@)", tempList];
- }
- else
+ // We use KVO to update the table manually
+ // because this table isn't using bindings
+ if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"self.subtitles.tracks"])
- self.foreignAudioSearchTrackName = @"Foreign Audio Search (Bitmap)";
- }
- // Note: we need to look for external subtitles so it can be added to the source array track.
- // Remember the source container subs are already loaded with resetTitle which is already called
- // so any external sub sources need to be added to our source subs here
- for (NSDictionary *dict in self.subtitleArray)
- {
- /* We have an srt track */
- if ([dict[keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
- {
- NSString *filePath = dict[keySubTrackSrtFilePath];
- /* create a dictionary of source subtitle information to store in our array */
- [self.subtitleSourceArray addObject:@{keySubTrackIndex: @(self.subtitleSourceArray.count + 1),
- keySubTrackName: [filePath lastPathComponent],
- keySubTrackType: @(SRTSUB),
- keySubTrackSrtFilePath: filePath}];
- }
+ [self.fTableView reloadData];
- // Append an empty track at the end
- // to display a "None" row in the table view
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:[self createSubtitleTrack]];
- _job = nil;
+ [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
- [self.fTableView reloadData];
-- (void)containerChanged:(NSNotification *)aNotification
+- (void)setSubtitles:(HBSubtitles *)subtitles
- NSDictionary *notDict = [aNotification userInfo];
- self.container = [notDict[keyContainerTag] intValue];
- [self validatePassthru];
- [self.fTableView reloadData];
+ _subtitles = subtitles;
-- (void)applySettingsFromPreset:(NSDictionary *)preset
- [self addTracksFromDefaults:self];
+ [self.fTableView reloadData];
#pragma mark - Actions
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id < NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem >)anItem
- return (self.job != nil);
+ return (self.subtitles != nil);
@@ -195,20 +78,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (IBAction)addAll:(id)sender
- [self.subtitleArray removeAllObjects];
- // Add the foreign audio search pass
- [self addTrack:[self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:-1]];
- // Add the remainings tracks
- for (NSDictionary *track in self.subtitleSourceArray)
- {
- NSInteger sourceIndex = [track[keySubTrackIndex] integerValue];
- [self addTrack:[self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:sourceIndex]];
- }
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:[self createSubtitleTrack]];
- [self validatePassthru];
+ [self.subtitles addAllTracks];
[self.fTableView reloadData];
@@ -217,8 +87,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (IBAction)removeAll:(id)sender
- [self.subtitleArray removeAllObjects];
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:[self createSubtitleTrack]];
+ [self.subtitles removeAll];
[self.fTableView reloadData];
@@ -228,75 +97,13 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (IBAction)addTracksFromDefaults:(id)sender
- // Keeps a set of the indexes of the added track
- // so we don't add the same track twice.
- NSMutableIndexSet *tracksAdded = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
- [self.subtitleArray removeAllObjects];
- // Add the foreign audio search pass
- if (self.settings.addForeignAudioSearch)
- {
- [self addTrack:[self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:-1]];
- }
- // Add the tracks for the selected languages
- if (self.settings.trackSelectionBehavior != HBSubtitleTrackSelectionBehaviorNone)
- {
- for (NSString *lang in self.settings.trackSelectionLanguages)
- {
- for (NSDictionary *track in self.subtitleSourceArray)
- {
- if ([lang isEqualToString:@"und"] || [track[keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] isEqualToString:lang])
- {
- NSInteger sourceIndex = [track[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
- if (![tracksAdded containsIndex:sourceIndex])
- {
- [self addTrack:[self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:sourceIndex]];
- }
- [tracksAdded addIndex:sourceIndex];
- if (self.settings.trackSelectionBehavior == HBSubtitleTrackSelectionBehaviorFirst)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add the closed captions track if there is one.
- if (self.settings.addCC)
- {
- for (NSDictionary *track in self.subtitleSourceArray)
- {
- if ([track[keySubTrackType] intValue] == CC608SUB)
- {
- NSInteger sourceIndex = [track[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
- if (![tracksAdded containsIndex:sourceIndex])
- {
- [self addTrack:[self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:sourceIndex]];
- }
- if (self.settings.trackSelectionBehavior == HBSubtitleTrackSelectionBehaviorFirst)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add an empty track
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:[self createSubtitleTrack]];
- [self validatePassthru];
+ [self.subtitles reloadDefaults];
[self.fTableView reloadData];
- (IBAction)showSettingsSheet:(id)sender
- self.defaultsController = [[[HBSubtitlesDefaultsController alloc] initWithSettings:self.settings] autorelease];
+ self.defaultsController = [[[HBSubtitlesDefaultsController alloc] initWithSettings:self.subtitles.defaults] autorelease];
[NSApp beginSheet:[self.defaultsController window]
modalForWindow:[[self view] window]
@@ -313,171 +120,18 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
#pragma mark - Subtitles tracks creation and validation
- * Convenience method to add a track to subtitlesArray.
- * It calculates the keySubTrackSelectionIndex.
- *
- * @param track the track to add.
- */
-- (void)addTrack:(NSMutableDictionary *)newTrack
- newTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @([newTrack[keySubTrackIndex] integerValue] + 1 + (self.subtitleArray.count == 0));
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:newTrack];
- * Creates a new subtitle track.
- */
-- (NSMutableDictionary *)createSubtitleTrack
- NSMutableDictionary *newSubtitleTrack = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackIndex] = @0;
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @0;
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackName] = @"None";
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackForced] = @0;
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackBurned] = @0;
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackDefault] = @0;
- return [newSubtitleTrack autorelease];
- * Creates a new track dictionary from a source track.
- *
- * @param index the index of the source track in the subtitlesSourceArray,
- * -1 means a Foreign Audio Search pass.
- *
- * @return a new mutable track dictionary.
- */
-- (NSMutableDictionary *)trackFromSourceTrackIndex:(NSInteger)index
- NSMutableDictionary *track = [self createSubtitleTrack];
- if (index == -1)
- {
- /*
- * we are foreign lang search, which is inherently bitmap
- *
- * since it can be either VOBSUB or PGS and the latter can't be
- * passed through to MP4, we need to know whether there are any
- * PGS tracks in the source - otherwise we can just set the
- * source track type to VOBSUB
- */
- int subtitleTrackType = VOBSUB;
- if ([self.foreignAudioSearchTrackName rangeOfString:@(hb_subsource_name(PGSSUB))].location != NSNotFound)
- {
- subtitleTrackType = PGSSUB;
- }
- // Use -1 to indicate the foreign lang search
- track[keySubTrackIndex] = @(-1);
- track[keySubTrackName] = self.foreignAudioSearchTrackName;
- track[keySubTrackType] = @(subtitleTrackType);
- // foreign lang search is most useful when combined w/Forced Only - make it default
- track[keySubTrackForced] = @1;
- }
- else
- {
- NSDictionary *sourceTrack = self.subtitleSourceArray[index];
- track[keySubTrackIndex] = @(index);
- track[keySubTrackName] = sourceTrack[keySubTrackName];
- /* check to see if we are an srt, in which case set our file path and source track type kvp's*/
- if ([self.subtitleSourceArray[index][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
- {
- track[keySubTrackType] = @(SRTSUB);
- track[keySubTrackSrtFilePath] = sourceTrack[keySubTrackSrtFilePath];
- track[keySubTrackLanguageIndex] = @(self.languagesArrayDefIndex);
- track[keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] = self.languagesArray[self.languagesArrayDefIndex][1];
- track[keySubTrackSrtCharCodeIndex] = @(CHAR_CODE_DEFAULT_INDEX);
- track[keySubTrackSrtCharCode] = self.charCodeArray[CHAR_CODE_DEFAULT_INDEX];
- }
- else
- {
- track[keySubTrackType] = sourceTrack[keySubTrackType];
- }
- }
- if (!hb_subtitle_can_burn([track[keySubTrackType] intValue]))
- {
- /* the source track cannot be burned in, so uncheck the widget */
- track[keySubTrackBurned] = @0;
- }
- if (!hb_subtitle_can_force([track[keySubTrackType] intValue]))
- {
- /* the source track does not support forced flags, so uncheck the widget */
- track[keySubTrackForced] = @0;
- }
- return track;
* Checks whether any subtitles in the list cannot be passed through.
* Set the first of any such subtitles to burned-in, remove the others.
- (void)validatePassthru
- int subtitleTrackType;
- BOOL convertToBurnInUsed = NO;
- NSMutableArray *tracksToDelete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- // convert any non-None incompatible tracks to burn-in or remove them
- for (id tempObject in self.subtitleArray)
- {
- if (tempObject[keySubTrackType] == nil)
- {
- continue;
- }
- subtitleTrackType = [tempObject[keySubTrackType] intValue];
- if (!hb_subtitle_can_pass(subtitleTrackType, self.container))
- {
- if (convertToBurnInUsed == NO)
- {
- //we haven't set any track to burned-in yet, so we can
- tempObject[keySubTrackBurned] = @1;
- convertToBurnInUsed = YES; //remove any additional tracks
- }
- else
- {
- //we already have a burned-in track, we must remove others
- [tracksToDelete addObject:tempObject];
- }
- }
- }
- //if we converted a track to burned-in, unset it for tracks that support passthru
- if (convertToBurnInUsed == YES)
- {
- for (id tempObject in self.subtitleArray)
- {
- if (tempObject[keySubTrackType] == nil)
- {
- continue;
- }
- subtitleTrackType = [tempObject[keySubTrackType] intValue];
- if (hb_subtitle_can_pass(subtitleTrackType, self.container))
- {
- tempObject[keySubTrackBurned] = @0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tracksToDelete.count)
- {
- [self.subtitleArray removeObjectsInArray:tracksToDelete];
- [self.fTableView reloadData];
- }
- [tracksToDelete release];
+ [self.subtitles validatePassthru];
+ [self.fTableView reloadData];
- (void)validateBurned:(NSInteger)index
- [self.subtitleArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
+ [self.subtitles.tracks enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
if (idx != index)
@@ -489,7 +143,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (void)validateDefault:(NSInteger)index
- [self.subtitleArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
+ [self.subtitles.tracks enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
if (idx != index)
@@ -503,12 +157,12 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
- return self.subtitleArray.count;
+ return self.subtitles.tracks.count;
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex
- NSDictionary *track = self.subtitleArray[rowIndex];
+ NSDictionary *track = self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex];
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"track"])
@@ -579,23 +233,23 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
/* Set the array to track if we are vobsub (picture sub) */
if ([anObject intValue] > 0)
- NSMutableDictionary *newTrack = [self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:[anObject integerValue] - 1 - (rowIndex == 0)];
+ NSMutableDictionary *newTrack = [self.subtitles trackFromSourceTrackIndex:[anObject integerValue] - 1 - (rowIndex == 0)];
// Selection index calculation
newTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @([anObject integerValue]);
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex] = newTrack;
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex] = newTrack;
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"forced"])
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackForced] = @([anObject intValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackForced] = @([anObject intValue]);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"burned"])
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @([anObject intValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @([anObject intValue]);
if([anObject intValue] == 1)
/* Burned In and Default are mutually exclusive */
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @0;
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @0;
/* now we need to make sure no other tracks are set to burned if we have set burned */
if ([anObject intValue] == 1)
@@ -605,11 +259,11 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"default"])
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @([anObject intValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @([anObject intValue]);
if([anObject intValue] == 1)
/* Burned In and Default are mutually exclusive */
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @0;
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @0;
/* now we need to make sure no other tracks are set to default */
if ([anObject intValue] == 1)
@@ -620,18 +274,18 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
/* These next three columns only apply to srt's. they are disabled for source subs */
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_lang"])
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackLanguageIndex] = @([anObject intValue]);
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] = self.languagesArray[[anObject intValue]][1];
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackLanguageIndex] = @([anObject intValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackLanguageIsoCode] = self.subtitles.languagesArray[[anObject intValue]][1];
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_charcode"])
/* charCodeArray */
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtCharCodeIndex] = @([anObject intValue]);
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtCharCode] = self.charCodeArray[[anObject intValue]];
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtCharCodeIndex] = @([anObject intValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtCharCode] = self.subtitles.charCodeArray[[anObject intValue]];
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_offset"])
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtOffset] = @([anObject integerValue]);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSrtOffset] = @([anObject integerValue]);
/* now lets do a bit of logic to add / remove tracks as necessary via the "None" track (index 0) */
@@ -641,13 +295,13 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
* by default to avoid massive confusion and anarchy. However we also want to guard against multiple burned in subtitle tracks
* as libhb would ignore all but the first one anyway. Plus it would probably be stupid.
- if ((self.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4) && ([anObject intValue] != 0))
+ if ((self.subtitles.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4) && ([anObject intValue] != 0))
- if ([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == VOBSUB)
+ if ([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == VOBSUB)
/* lets see if there are currently any burned in subs specified */
BOOL subtrackBurnedInFound = NO;
- for (id tempObject in self.subtitleArray)
+ for (id tempObject in self.subtitles.tracks)
if ([tempObject[keySubTrackBurned] intValue] == 1)
@@ -657,9 +311,9 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
/* if we have no current vobsub set to burn it in ... burn it in by default */
if (!subtrackBurnedInFound)
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @1;
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackBurned] = @1;
/* Burned In and Default are mutually exclusive */
- self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @0;
+ self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackDefault] = @0;
@@ -668,25 +322,25 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
* to determine whether to 1 modify an existing track, 2. add a new empty "None" track or 3. remove an existing track.
- if ([anObject intValue] != 0 && rowIndex == [self.subtitleArray count] - 1) // if we have a last track which != "None"
+ if ([anObject intValue] != 0 && rowIndex == [self.subtitles.tracks count] - 1) // if we have a last track which != "None"
/* add a new empty None track */
- [self.subtitleArray addObject:[self createSubtitleTrack]];
+ [self.subtitles.tracks addObject:[self.subtitles createSubtitleTrack]];
- else if ([anObject intValue] == 0 && rowIndex != ([self.subtitleArray count] -1))// if this track is set to "None" and not the last track displayed
+ else if ([anObject intValue] == 0 && rowIndex != ([self.subtitles.tracks count] -1))// if this track is set to "None" and not the last track displayed
/* we know the user chose to remove this track by setting it to None, so remove it from the array */
/* However,if this is the first track we have to reset the selected index of the next track by + 1, since it will now become
* the first track, which has to account for the extra "Foreign Language Search" index. */
- if (rowIndex == 0 && [self.subtitleArray[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] != 0)
+ if (rowIndex == 0 && [self.subtitles.tracks[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] != 0)
/* get the index of the selection in row one (which is track two) */
- int trackOneSelectedIndex = [self.subtitleArray[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue];
+ int trackOneSelectedIndex = [self.subtitles.tracks[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue];
/* increment the index of the subtitle menu item by one, to account for Foreign Language Search which is unique to the first track */
- self.subtitleArray[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @(trackOneSelectedIndex + 1);
+ self.subtitles.tracks[1][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @(trackOneSelectedIndex + 1);
/* now that we have made the adjustment for track one (index 0) go ahead and delete the track */
- [self.subtitleArray removeObjectAtIndex: rowIndex];
+ [self.subtitles.tracks removeObjectAtIndex: rowIndex];
// Validate the current passthru tracks.
@@ -715,10 +369,10 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
// Foreign Audio Search (index 1 in the popup) is only available for the first track
if (rowIndex == 0)
- [[cellTrackPopup menu] addItemWithTitle:self.foreignAudioSearchTrackName action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [[cellTrackPopup menu] addItemWithTitle:self.subtitles.foreignAudioSearchTrackName action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
- for (NSDictionary *track in self.subtitleSourceArray)
+ for (NSDictionary *track in self.subtitles.masterTrackArray)
[[cellTrackPopup menu] addItemWithTitle:track[keySubTrackName] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
@@ -748,7 +402,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
// If the Track is None, we disable the other cells as None is an empty track
- if ([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] == 0)
+ if ([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] == 0)
[aCell setEnabled:NO];
@@ -761,8 +415,8 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"forced"])
// Disable the "Forced Only" checkbox if a) the track is "None" or b) the subtitle track doesn't support forced flags
- if (![self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
- !hb_subtitle_can_force([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue]))
+ if (![self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
+ !hb_subtitle_can_force([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue]))
[aCell setEnabled:NO];
@@ -779,9 +433,9 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
* b) the subtitle track can't be burned in OR
* c) the subtitle track can't be passed through (e.g. PGS w/MP4)
- int subtitleTrackType = [self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue];
- if (![self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
- !hb_subtitle_can_burn(subtitleTrackType) || !hb_subtitle_can_pass(subtitleTrackType, self.container))
+ int subtitleTrackType = [self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue];
+ if (![self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
+ !hb_subtitle_can_burn(subtitleTrackType) || !hb_subtitle_can_pass(subtitleTrackType, self.subtitles.container))
[aCell setEnabled:NO];
@@ -797,8 +451,8 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
* a) the track is "None" OR
* b) the subtitle track can't be passed through (e.g. PGS w/MP4)
- if (![self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
- !hb_subtitle_can_pass([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue], self.container))
+ if (![self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackSelectionIndex] intValue] ||
+ !hb_subtitle_can_pass([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue], self.subtitles.container))
[aCell setEnabled:NO];
@@ -811,7 +465,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_lang"])
/* We have an srt file so set the track type (Source or SRT, and the srt file path ) kvp's*/
- if ([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
+ if ([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
[aCell setEnabled:YES];
@@ -823,7 +477,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_charcode"])
/* We have an srt file so set the track type (Source or SRT, and the srt file path ) kvp's*/
- if ([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
+ if ([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
[aCell setEnabled:YES];
@@ -834,7 +488,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"srt_offset"])
- if ([self.subtitleArray[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
+ if ([self.subtitles.tracks[rowIndex][keySubTrackType] intValue] == SRTSUB)
[aCell setEnabled:YES];
@@ -884,16 +538,16 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
NSString *displayname = [importSrtFileURL lastPathComponent];// grok an appropriate display name from the srt subtitle */
/* create a dictionary of source subtitle information to store in our array */
- [self.subtitleSourceArray addObject:@{keySubTrackIndex: @(self.subtitleSourceArray.count),
+ [self.subtitles.masterTrackArray addObject:@{keySubTrackIndex: @(self.subtitles.masterTrackArray.count),
keySubTrackName: displayname,
keySubTrackType: @(SRTSUB),
keySubTrackSrtFilePath: importSrtFileURL.path}];
// Now create a new srt subtitle dictionary assuming the user wants to add it to their list
- NSMutableDictionary *newSubtitleSrtTrack = [self trackFromSourceTrackIndex:self.subtitleSourceArray.count - 1];
+ NSMutableDictionary *newSubtitleSrtTrack = [self.subtitles trackFromSourceTrackIndex:self.subtitles.masterTrackArray.count - 1];
// Calculate the pop up selection index
- newSubtitleSrtTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @(self.subtitleSourceArray.count + (self.subtitleArray.count == 1));
- [self.subtitleArray insertObject:newSubtitleSrtTrack atIndex:self.subtitleArray.count - 1];
+ newSubtitleSrtTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @(self.subtitles.masterTrackArray.count + (self.subtitles.tracks.count == 1));
+ [self.subtitles.tracks insertObject:newSubtitleSrtTrack atIndex:self.subtitles.tracks.count - 1];
[self.fTableView reloadData];
@@ -902,22 +556,6 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
#pragma mark - UI cells
-- (NSArray *)populateLanguageArray
- NSMutableArray *languages = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
- for (const iso639_lang_t * lang = lang_get_next(NULL); lang != NULL; lang = lang_get_next(lang))
- {
- [languages addObject:@[@(lang->eng_name),
- @(lang->iso639_2)]];
- if (!strcasecmp(lang->eng_name, "English"))
- {
- _languagesArrayDefIndex = [languages count] - 1;
- }
- }
- return [[languages copy] autorelease];
@synthesize languagesCell = _languagesCell;
- (NSPopUpButtonCell *)languagesCell
@@ -931,7 +569,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
[_languagesCell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]];
// list our languages as per the languagesArray
- for (NSArray *lang in self.languagesArray)
+ for (NSArray *lang in self.subtitles.languagesArray)
[[_languagesCell menu] addItemWithTitle:lang[0] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
@@ -951,7 +589,7 @@ NSString *keySubTrackLanguageIndex = @"keySubTrackLanguageIndex";
[_encodingsCell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]];
// list our character codes, as per charCodeArray
- for (NSString *charCode in self.charCodeArray)
+ for (NSString *charCode in self.subtitles.charCodeArray)
[[_encodingsCell menu] addItemWithTitle:charCode action: NULL keyEquivalent: @""];