path: root/macosx/HBQueue.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/HBQueue.m')
1 files changed, 765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/HBQueue.m b/macosx/HBQueue.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aee92452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macosx/HBQueue.m
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+/* HBQueue.m $
+ This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
+ Homepage: <>.
+ It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+#import "HBQueue.h"
+#import "NSArray+HBAdditions.h"
+NSString * const HBQueueDidAddItemNotification = @"HBQueueDidAddItemNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidRemoveItemNotification = @"HBQueueDidRemoveItemNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidChangeItemNotification = @"HBQueueDidChangeItemNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey = @"HBQueueReloadItemsNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidMoveItemNotification = @"HBQueueDidMoveItemNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueItemNotificationSourceIndexesKey = @"HBQueueItemNotificationSourceIndexesKey";
+NSString * const HBQueueItemNotificationTargetIndexesKey = @"HBQueueItemNotificationTargetIndexesKey";
+NSString * const HBQueueReloadItemsNotification = @"HBQueueReloadItemsNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueLowSpaceAlertNotification = @"HBQueueLowSpaceAlertNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueProgressNotification = @"HBQueueProgressNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey = @"HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey";
+NSString * const HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey = @"HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidStartNotification = @"HBQueueDidStartNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidCompleteNotification = @"HBQueueDidCompleteNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotification = @"HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotification";
+NSString * const HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotificationItemKey = @"HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotificationItemKey";
+@interface HBQueue ()
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL stop;
+@implementation HBQueue
+- (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)queueURL
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self)
+ {
+ NSInteger loggingLevel = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey:@"LoggingLevel"];
+ // Init a separate instance of libhb for the queue
+ _core = [[HBCore alloc] initWithLogLevel:loggingLevel name:@"QueueCore"];
+ _core.automaticallyPreventSleep = NO;
+ _items = [[HBDistributedArray alloc] initWithURL:queueURL class:[HBQueueItem class]];
+ // Set up the observers
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(reloadQueue) name:HBDistributedArrayChanged object:_items];
+ [self updateStats];
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark - Public methods
+- (void)addJob:(HBJob *)item
+ NSParameterAssert(item);
+ [self addJobs:@[item]];
+- (void)addJobs:(NSArray<HBJob *> *)jobs;
+ NSParameterAssert(jobs);
+ NSMutableArray<HBQueueItem *> *itemsToAdd = [NSMutableArray array];
+ for (HBJob *job in jobs)
+ {
+ HBQueueItem *item = [[HBQueueItem alloc] initWithJob:job];
+ [itemsToAdd addObject:item];
+ }
+ if (itemsToAdd.count)
+ {
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(self.items.count, itemsToAdd.count)];
+ [self addQueueItems:itemsToAdd atIndexes:indexes];
+ }
+- (BOOL)itemExistAtURL:(NSURL *)url
+ NSParameterAssert(url);
+ for (HBQueueItem *item in self.items)
+ {
+ if ((item.state == HBQueueItemStateReady || item.state == HBQueueItemStateWorking)
+ && [item.completeOutputURL isEqualTo:url])
+ {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (NSUInteger)count
+ return self.items.count;
+- (void)addQueueItems:(NSArray<HBQueueItem *> *)items atIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes
+ NSParameterAssert(items);
+ NSParameterAssert(indexes);
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ // Forward
+ NSUInteger currentIndex = indexes.firstIndex;
+ NSUInteger currentObjectIndex = 0;
+ while (currentIndex != NSNotFound)
+ {
+ [self.items insertObject:items[currentObjectIndex] atIndex:currentIndex];
+ currentIndex = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:currentIndex];
+ currentObjectIndex++;
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidAddItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ NSUndoManager *undo = self.undoManager;
+ [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:indexes];
+ if (!undo.isUndoing)
+ {
+ if (items.count == 1)
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Add Job To Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Add Jobs To Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ }
+ [self updateStats];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)removeQueueItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
+ [self removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index]];
+- (void)removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes
+ NSParameterAssert(indexes);
+ if (indexes.count == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSArray<HBQueueItem *> *removeItems = [self.items objectsAtIndexes:indexes];
+ if (self.items.count > indexes.lastIndex)
+ {
+ [self.items removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexes];
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidRemoveItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ NSUndoManager *undo = self.undoManager;
+ [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] addQueueItems:removeItems atIndexes:indexes];
+ if (!undo.isUndoing)
+ {
+ if (indexes.count == 1)
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Remove Job From Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Remove Jobs From Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ }
+ [self updateStats];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)moveQueueItems:(NSArray<HBQueueItem *> *)items toIndex:(NSUInteger)index
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *source = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *dest = [NSMutableArray array];
+ for (id object in items.reverseObjectEnumerator)
+ {
+ NSUInteger sourceIndex = [self.items indexOfObject:object];
+ [self.items removeObjectAtIndex:sourceIndex];
+ if (sourceIndex < index)
+ {
+ index--;
+ }
+ [self.items insertObject:object atIndex:index];
+ [source addObject:@(index)];
+ [dest addObject:@(sourceIndex)];
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidMoveItemNotification
+ object:self
+ userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationSourceIndexesKey: dest,
+ HBQueueItemNotificationTargetIndexesKey: source}];
+ NSUndoManager *undo = self.undoManager;
+ [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] moveQueueItemsAtIndexes:source toIndexes:dest];
+ if (!undo.isUndoing)
+ {
+ if (items.count == 1)
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Move Job in Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Move Jobs in Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ }
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)moveQueueItemsAtIndexes:(NSArray *)source toIndexes:(NSArray *)dest
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *newSource = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *newDest = [NSMutableArray array];
+ for (NSInteger idx = source.count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
+ {
+ NSUInteger sourceIndex = [source[idx] integerValue];
+ NSUInteger destIndex = [dest[idx] integerValue];
+ [newSource addObject:@(destIndex)];
+ [newDest addObject:@(sourceIndex)];
+ id obj = [self.items objectAtIndex:sourceIndex];
+ [self.items removeObjectAtIndex:sourceIndex];
+ [self.items insertObject:obj atIndex:destIndex];
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidMoveItemNotification
+ object:self
+ userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationSourceIndexesKey: newDest,
+ HBQueueItemNotificationTargetIndexesKey: newSource}];
+ NSUndoManager *undo = self.undoManager;
+ [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] moveQueueItemsAtIndexes:newSource toIndexes:newDest];
+ if (!undo.isUndoing)
+ {
+ if (source.count == 1)
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Move Job in Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [undo setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Move Jobs in Queue", @"Queue undo action name")];
+ }
+ }
+ [self.items commit];
+ * This method will clear the queue of any encodes that are not still pending
+ * this includes both successfully completed encodes as well as canceled encodes
+ */
+- (void)removeCompletedAndCancelledItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [self.items indexesOfObjectsUsingBlock:^BOOL(HBQueueItem *item) {
+ return (item.state == HBQueueItemStateCompleted || item.state == HBQueueItemStateCanceled);
+ }];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidRemoveItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{@"indexes": indexes}];
+ [self.items commit];
+ * This method will clear the queue of all encodes. effectively creating an empty queue
+ */
+- (void)removeAllItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ [self removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, self.items.count)]];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)removeNotWorkingItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [self.items indexesOfObjectsUsingBlock:^BOOL(HBQueueItem *item) {
+ return (item.state != HBQueueItemStateWorking);
+ }];
+ [self removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:indexes];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)removeCompletedItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [self.items indexesOfObjectsUsingBlock:^BOOL(HBQueueItem *item) {
+ return (item.state == HBQueueItemStateCompleted);
+ }];
+ [self removeQueueItemsAtIndexes:indexes];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)resetItemsStateAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes
+ if ([self.items beginTransaction] == HBDistributedArrayContentReload)
+ {
+ // Do not execture the action if the array changed.
+ [self.items commit];
+ return;
+ }
+ NSMutableIndexSet *updatedIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
+ NSUInteger currentIndex = indexes.firstIndex;
+ while (currentIndex != NSNotFound) {
+ HBQueueItem *item = self.items[currentIndex];
+ if (item.state == HBQueueItemStateCanceled || item.state == HBQueueItemStateCompleted || item.state == HBQueueItemStateFailed)
+ {
+ item.state = HBQueueItemStateReady;
+ [updatedIndexes addIndex:currentIndex];
+ }
+ currentIndex = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:currentIndex];
+ }
+ [self updateStats];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidChangeItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)resetAllItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [self.items indexesOfObjectsUsingBlock:^BOOL(HBQueueItem *item) {
+ return (item.state != HBQueueItemStateWorking);
+ }];
+ [self resetItemsStateAtIndexes:indexes];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)resetFailedItems
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [self.items indexesOfObjectsUsingBlock:^BOOL(HBQueueItem *item) {
+ return (item.state == HBQueueItemStateFailed);
+ }];
+ [self resetItemsStateAtIndexes:indexes];
+ [self.items commit];
+ * This method will set any item marked as encoding back to pending
+ * currently used right after a queue reload
+ */
+- (void)setEncodingJobsAsPending
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ NSMutableIndexSet *indexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
+ NSUInteger idx = 0;
+ for (HBQueueItem *item in self.items)
+ {
+ // We want to keep any queue item that is pending or was previously being encoded
+ if (item.state == HBQueueItemStateWorking)
+ {
+ item.state = HBQueueItemStateReady;
+ [indexes addIndex:idx];
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidChangeItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ [self.items commit];
+- (BOOL)canEncode
+ return self.pendingItemsCount > 0;
+- (BOOL)isEncoding
+ HBState s = self.core.state;
+ return (s == HBStateScanning) || (s == HBStatePaused) || (s == HBStateWorking) || (s == HBStateMuxing) || (s == HBStateSearching);
+- (BOOL)canPause
+ HBState s = self.core.state;
+ return (s == HBStateWorking || s == HBStateMuxing);
+- (void)pause
+ [self.core pause];
+ [self.core allowSleep];
+- (BOOL)canResume
+ return self.core.state == HBStatePaused;
+- (void)resume
+ [self.core resume];
+ [self.core preventSleep];
+#pragma mark - Private queue editing methods
+ * Reloads the queue, this is called
+ * when another HandBrake instances modifies the queue
+ */
+- (void)reloadQueue
+ [self updateStats];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueReloadItemsNotification object:self];
+- (void)updateStats
+ // lets get the stats on the status of the queue array
+ NSUInteger pendingCount = 0;
+ NSUInteger completedCount = 0;
+ for (HBQueueItem *item in self.items)
+ {
+ if (item.state == HBQueueItemStateReady)
+ {
+ pendingCount++;
+ }
+ if (item.state == HBQueueItemStateCompleted)
+ {
+ completedCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ self.pendingItemsCount = pendingCount;
+ self.completedItemsCount = completedCount;
+- (BOOL)_isDiskSpaceLowAtURL:(NSURL *)url
+ if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBQueuePauseIfLowSpace"])
+ {
+ NSURL *volumeURL = nil;
+ NSDictionary<NSURLResourceKey, id> *attrs = [url resourceValuesForKeys:@[NSURLIsVolumeKey, NSURLVolumeURLKey] error:NULL];
+ long long minCapacity = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"HBQueueMinFreeSpace"] longLongValue] * 1000000000;
+ volumeURL = [attrs[NSURLIsVolumeKey] boolValue] ? url : attrs[NSURLVolumeURLKey];
+ if (volumeURL)
+ {
+ [volumeURL removeCachedResourceValueForKey:NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey];
+ attrs = [volumeURL resourceValuesForKeys:@[NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey] error:NULL];
+ if (attrs[NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey])
+ {
+ if ([attrs[NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey] longLongValue] < minCapacity)
+ {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+ * Used to get the next pending queue item and return it if found
+ */
+- (HBQueueItem *)getNextPendingQueueItem
+ for (HBQueueItem *item in self.items)
+ {
+ if (item.state == HBQueueItemStateReady)
+ {
+ return item;
+ }
+ }
+ return nil;
+- (void)start
+ if (self.canEncode && self.core.state == HBStateIdle)
+ {
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidStartNotification object:self];
+ [self.core preventSleep];
+ [self encodeNextQueueItem];
+ }
+ * Starts the queue
+ */
+- (void)encodeNextQueueItem
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ self.currentItem = nil;
+ // since we have completed an encode, we go to the next
+ if (self.stop)
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Queue manually stopped"];
+ self.stop = NO;
+ [self.core allowSleep];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidCompleteNotification object:self];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check to see if there are any more pending items in the queue
+ HBQueueItem *nextItem = [self getNextPendingQueueItem];
+ if (nextItem && [self _isDiskSpaceLowAtURL:nextItem.outputURL])
+ {
+ // Disk space is low, show an alert
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Queue Stopped, low space on destination disk"];
+ [self.core allowSleep];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidCompleteNotification object:self];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueLowSpaceAlertNotification object:self];
+ }
+ // If we still have more pending items in our queue, lets go to the next one
+ else if (nextItem)
+ {
+ // now we mark the queue item as working so another instance can not come along and try to scan it while we are scanning
+ nextItem.state = HBQueueItemStateWorking;
+ // Tell HB to output a new activity log file for this encode
+ self.currentLog = [[HBJobOutputFileWriter alloc] initWithJob:nextItem.job];
+ if (self.currentLog)
+ {
+ [[HBOutputRedirect stderrRedirect] addListener:self.currentLog];
+ [[HBOutputRedirect stdoutRedirect] addListener:self.currentLog];
+ }
+ self.currentItem = nextItem;
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[self.items indexOfObject:nextItem]];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidChangeItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ [self updateStats];
+ // now we can go ahead and scan the new pending queue item
+ [self encodeItem:nextItem];
+ // erase undo manager history
+ [self.undoManager removeAllActions];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Queue Done, there are no more pending encodes"];
+ [self.core allowSleep];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidCompleteNotification object:self];
+ }
+ }
+ [self.items commit];
+- (void)completedItem:(HBQueueItem *)item result:(HBCoreResult)result;
+ NSParameterAssert(item);
+ [self.items beginTransaction];
+ // Since we are done with this encode, tell output to stop writing to the
+ // individual encode log.
+ [[HBOutputRedirect stderrRedirect] removeListener:self.currentLog];
+ [[HBOutputRedirect stdoutRedirect] removeListener:self.currentLog];
+ self.currentLog = nil;
+ // Mark the encode just finished
+ switch (result) {
+ case HBCoreResultDone:
+ item.state = HBQueueItemStateCompleted;
+ break;
+ case HBCoreResultCanceled:
+ item.state = HBQueueItemStateCanceled;
+ break;
+ default:
+ item.state = HBQueueItemStateFailed;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Update UI
+ NSString *info = nil;
+ switch (result) {
+ case HBCoreResultDone:
+ info = NSLocalizedString(@"Encode Finished.", @"Queue status");
+ break;
+ case HBCoreResultCanceled:
+ info = NSLocalizedString(@"Encode Canceled.", @"Queue status");
+ break;
+ default:
+ info = NSLocalizedString(@"Encode Failed.", @"Queue status");
+ break;
+ }
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueProgressNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey: @1.0,
+ HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey: info}];
+ NSInteger index = [self.items indexOfObject:item];
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = index > -1 ? [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index] : [NSIndexSet indexSet];
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueDidCompleteItemNotificationItemKey: item,
+ HBQueueItemNotificationIndexesKey: indexes}];
+ [self.items commit];
+ * Here we actually tell hb_scan to perform the source scan, using the path to source and title number
+ */
+- (void)encodeItem:(HBQueueItem *)item
+ NSParameterAssert(item);
+ // Progress handler
+ void (^progressHandler)(HBState state, HBProgress progress, NSString *info) = ^(HBState state, HBProgress progress, NSString *info)
+ {
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueProgressNotification object:self userInfo:@{HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey: @0,
+ HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey: info}];
+ };
+ // Completion handler
+ void (^completionHandler)(HBCoreResult result) = ^(HBCoreResult result)
+ {
+ if (result == HBCoreResultDone)
+ {
+ [self realEncodeItem:item];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self completedItem:item result:result];
+ [self encodeNextQueueItem];
+ }
+ };
+ // Only scan 10 previews before an encode - additional previews are
+ // only useful for autocrop and static previews, which are already taken care of at this point
+ [self.core scanURL:item.fileURL
+ titleIndex:item.job.titleIdx
+ previews:10
+ minDuration:0
+ progressHandler:progressHandler
+ completionHandler:completionHandler];
+ * This assumes that we have re-scanned and loaded up a new queue item to send to libhb
+ */
+- (void)realEncodeItem:(HBQueueItem *)item
+ NSParameterAssert(item);
+ HBJob *job = item.job;
+ // Reset the title in the job.
+ job.title = self.core.titles.firstObject;
+ NSParameterAssert(job);
+ HBStateFormatter *formatter = [[HBStateFormatter alloc] init];
+ formatter.title = job.outputFileName;
+ self.core.stateFormatter = formatter;
+ // Progress handler
+ void (^progressHandler)(HBState state, HBProgress progress, NSString *info) = ^(HBState state, HBProgress progress, NSString *info)
+ {
+ if (state == HBStateMuxing)
+ {
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueProgressNotification
+ object:self
+ userInfo:@{HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey: @1,
+ HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey: info}];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:HBQueueProgressNotification
+ object:self
+ userInfo:@{HBQueueProgressNotificationPercentKey: @(progress.percent),
+ HBQueueProgressNotificationInfoKey: info}];
+ }
+ };
+ // Completion handler
+ void (^completionHandler)(HBCoreResult result) = ^(HBCoreResult result)
+ {
+ [self completedItem:item result:result];
+ [self encodeNextQueueItem];
+ };
+ // We should be all setup so let 'er rip
+ [self.core encodeJob:job progressHandler:progressHandler completionHandler:completionHandler];
+ // We are done using the title, remove it from the job
+ job.title = nil;
+ * Cancels the current job
+ */
+- (void)doCancelCurrentItem
+ if (self.core.state == HBStateScanning)
+ {
+ [self.core cancelScan];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self.core cancelEncode];
+ }
+ * Cancels the current job and starts processing the next in queue.
+ */
+- (void)cancelCurrentItemAndContinue
+ [self doCancelCurrentItem];
+ * Cancels the current job and stops libhb from processing the remaining encodes.
+ */
+- (void)cancelCurrentItemAndStop
+ self.stop = YES;
+ [self doCancelCurrentItem];
+ * Finishes the current job and stops libhb from processing the remaining encodes.
+ */
+- (void)finishCurrentAndStop
+ self.stop = YES;