path: root/macosx/HBController.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/HBController.m')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/HBController.m b/macosx/HBController.m
index 15ea6bd07..12eb06d7b 100644
--- a/macosx/HBController.m
+++ b/macosx/HBController.m
@@ -164,10 +164,6 @@
// Progress
_progressInfo = @"";
- if (NSAppKitVersionNumber < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10)
- {
- _visible = YES;
- }
// Check to see if the last destination has been set, use if so, if not, use Movies
@@ -214,49 +210,21 @@
fPresetsView = [[HBPresetsViewController alloc] initWithPresetManager:presetManager];
fPresetsView.delegate = self;
- if (NSAppKitVersionNumber < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10)
- {
- self.presetsDrawer = [[NSDrawer alloc] initWithContentSize:NSMakeSize(240, 550) preferredEdge:NSRectEdgeMaxX];
- self.presetsDrawer.parentWindow = self.window;
- self.presetsDrawer.delegate = self;
- self.presetsDrawer.preferredEdge = NSRectEdgeMaxX;
- // Set up the preset drawer
- self.presetsDrawer.contentView = fPresetsView.view;
- self.presetsDrawer.contentView.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable;
- NSSize drawerSize = NSSizeFromString([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
- stringForKey:@"HBDrawerSize"]);
- if (drawerSize.width > 0)
- {
- self.presetsDrawer.contentSize = drawerSize;
- }
- // Show/Hide the Presets drawer upon launch based
- // on user preference DefaultPresetsDrawerShow
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBDefaultPresetsDrawerShow"])
- {
- [self.presetsDrawer open:self];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fPresetsView.showHeader = YES;
+ fPresetsView.showHeader = YES;
- // Set up the presets popover
- self.presetsPopover = [[NSPopover alloc] init];
+ // Set up the presets popover
+ self.presetsPopover = [[NSPopover alloc] init];
- self.presetsPopover.contentViewController = fPresetsView;
- self.presetsPopover.contentSize = NSMakeSize(280, 580);
- self.presetsPopover.animates = YES;
+ self.presetsPopover.contentViewController = fPresetsView;
+ self.presetsPopover.contentSize = NSMakeSize(280, 580);
+ self.presetsPopover.animates = YES;
- // AppKit will close the popover when the user interacts with a user interface element outside the popover.
- // note that interacting with menus or panels that become key only when needed will not cause a transient popover to close.
- self.presetsPopover.behavior = NSPopoverBehaviorSemitransient;
- self.presetsPopover.delegate = self;
+ // AppKit will close the popover when the user interacts with a user interface element outside the popover.
+ // note that interacting with menus or panels that become key only when needed will not cause a transient popover to close.
+ self.presetsPopover.behavior = NSPopoverBehaviorSemitransient;
+ self.presetsPopover.delegate = self;
- [fPresetsView loadView];
- }
+ [fPresetsView loadView];
// Set up the summary view
self.summaryController = [[HBSummaryViewController alloc] init];
@@ -557,8 +525,7 @@
return self.job != nil;
- if (action == @selector(renamePreset:) ||
- action == @selector(deletePreset:) ||
+ if (action == @selector(deletePreset:) ||
action == @selector(setDefaultPreset:))
return self.job != nil && self.edited == NO;//fixme
@@ -646,23 +613,23 @@
previews:hb_num_previews minDuration:min_title_duration_seconds
progressHandler:^(HBState state, HBProgress progress, NSString *info)
- fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = info;
- fScanIndicator.hidden = NO;
- fScanHorizontalLine.hidden = YES;
- fScanIndicator.doubleValue = progress.percent;
+ self->fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = info;
+ self->fScanIndicator.hidden = NO;
+ self->fScanHorizontalLine.hidden = YES;
+ self->fScanIndicator.doubleValue = progress.percent;
completionHandler:^(HBCoreResult result)
- fScanHorizontalLine.hidden = NO;
- fScanIndicator.hidden = YES;
- fScanIndicator.indeterminate = NO;
- fScanIndicator.doubleValue = 0.0;
+ self->fScanHorizontalLine.hidden = NO;
+ self->fScanIndicator.hidden = YES;
+ self->fScanIndicator.indeterminate = NO;
+ self->fScanIndicator.doubleValue = 0.0;
if (result == HBCoreResultDone)
for (HBTitle *title in self.core.titles)
- [fSrcTitlePopUp addItemWithTitle:title.description];
+ [self->fSrcTitlePopUp addItemWithTitle:title.description];
self.window.representedURL = mediaURL;
self.window.title = mediaURL.lastPathComponent;
@@ -670,7 +637,7 @@
// We display a message if a valid source was not chosen
- fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"No Valid Source Found", @"");
+ self->fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"No Valid Source Found", @"");
// Set the last searched source directory in the prefs here
@@ -1102,27 +1069,25 @@
Check if the job destination if a valid one,
- if so, call the didEndSelector
- Note: rework this to use a block in the future
+ if so, call the handler
@param job the job
- @param didEndSelector the selector to call if the check is successful
+ @param completionHandler the block to call if the check is successful
-- (void)runDestinationAlerts:(HBJob *)job didEndSelector:(SEL)didEndSelector
+- (void)runDestinationAlerts:(HBJob *)job completionHandler:(void (^ __nullable)(NSModalResponse returnCode))handler
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:job.outputURL.path] == 0)
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Warning!", @"")];
[alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"This is not a valid destination directory!", @"")];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:didEndSelector contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:handler];
else if ([job.fileURL isEqual:job.completeOutputURL])
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"A file already exists at the selected destination.", @"")];
[alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The destination is the same as the source, you can not overwrite your source file!", @"")];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:didEndSelector contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:handler];
else if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:job.completeOutputURL.path])
@@ -1133,7 +1098,7 @@
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:didEndSelector contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:handler];
else if ([fQueueController jobExistAtURL:job.completeOutputURL])
@@ -1144,17 +1109,11 @@
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:didEndSelector contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:handler];
- NSInteger returnCode = NSAlertSecondButtonReturn;
- NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [self methodSignatureForSelector:didEndSelector];
- NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature];
- [invocation setTarget:self];
- [invocation setSelector:didEndSelector];
- [invocation setArgument:&returnCode atIndex:3];
- [invocation invoke];
+ handler(NSAlertSecondButtonReturn);
@@ -1173,22 +1132,12 @@
if ([self.window HB_endEditing])
- [self runDestinationAlerts:self.job
- didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:)];
- }
- * Called from the alert posted by addToQueue
- * that asks the user if they want to overwrite an exiting movie file.
- */
-- (void)overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:(NSAlert *)alert
- returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode
- contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- {
- [self doAddToQueue];
+ [self runDestinationAlerts:self.job completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
+ if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
+ {
+ [self doAddToQueue];
+ }
+ }];
@@ -1224,26 +1173,16 @@
if ([self.window HB_endEditing])
- [self runDestinationAlerts:self.job
- didEndSelector:@selector(overWriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:)];
+ [self runDestinationAlerts:self.job completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
+ if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
+ {
+ [self doRip];
+ }
+ }];
- * overWriteAlertDone: called from the alert posted by Rip: that asks the user if they
- * want to overwrite an exiting movie file.
- */
-- (void)overWriteAlertDone:(NSAlert *)alert
- returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode
- contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- {
- [self doRip];
- }
- (IBAction)pause:(id)sender
[fQueueController togglePauseResume:sender];
@@ -1260,17 +1199,12 @@
- [NSApp beginSheet:self.titlesSelectionController.window
- modalForWindow:self.window
- modalDelegate:nil
- didEndSelector:NULL
- contextInfo:NULL];
+ [self.window beginSheet:self.titlesSelectionController.window completionHandler:nil];
- (void)didSelectTitles:(NSArray<HBTitle *> *)titles
- [self.titlesSelectionController.window orderOut:nil];
- [NSApp endSheet:self.titlesSelectionController.window];
+ [self.window endSheet:self.titlesSelectionController.window];
[self doAddTitlesToQueue:titles];
@@ -1326,7 +1260,7 @@
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"A file already exists at the selected destination.", @"")];
[alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The destination is the same as the source, you can not overwrite your source file!", @"")];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddTitlesToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:nil];
else if (fileExists)
@@ -1338,7 +1272,12 @@
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", nil)];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddTitlesToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:(void *)CFBridgingRetain(jobs)];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
+ if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
+ {
+ [self->fQueueController addJobsFromArray:jobs];
+ }
+ }];
@@ -1346,17 +1285,6 @@
-- (void)overwriteAddTitlesToQueueAlertDone:(NSAlert *)alert
- returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode
- contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- {
- NSArray *jobs = CFBridgingRelease(contextInfo);
- [fQueueController addJobsFromArray:jobs];
- }
- (IBAction)addAllTitlesToQueue:(id)sender
[self doAddTitlesToQueue:self.core.titles];
@@ -1493,19 +1421,14 @@
- [NSApp beginSheet:addPresetController.window modalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:(void *)CFBridgingRetain(addPresetController)];
-- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- __unused HBAddPresetController *addPresetController = (HBAddPresetController *)CFBridgingRelease(contextInfo);
- if (returnCode == NSModalResponseContinue)
- {
- fPresetsView.selectedPreset = addPresetController.preset;
- [self applyPreset:fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
- }
+ [self.window beginSheet:addPresetController.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
+ if (returnCode == NSModalResponseOK)
+ {
+ self->fPresetsView.selectedPreset = addPresetController.preset;
+ [self applyPreset:self->fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
+ }
+ }];
- (HBPreset *)createPresetFromCurrentSettings
@@ -1526,21 +1449,16 @@
[self.window HB_endEditing];
fPresetsView.selectedPreset = _currentPreset;
- HBRenamePresetController *renamePresetController = [[HBRenamePresetController alloc] initWithPreset:self.currentPreset
+ __block HBRenamePresetController *renamePresetController = [[HBRenamePresetController alloc] initWithPreset:self.currentPreset
- [NSApp beginSheet:renamePresetController.window modalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(renamePresetSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:(void *)CFBridgingRetain(renamePresetController)];
-- (void)renamePresetSheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- __unused HBRenamePresetController *renamePresetController = (HBRenamePresetController *)CFBridgingRelease(contextInfo);
- if (returnCode == NSModalResponseContinue)
- {
- [self applyPreset:fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
- }
+ [self.window beginSheet:renamePresetController.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
+ if (returnCode == NSModalResponseOK)
+ {
+ [self applyPreset:self->fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
+ }
+ renamePresetController = nil;
+ }];
#pragma mark -