path: root/macosx/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/ b/macosx/
index ea00f3a08..0933f26dc 100644
--- a/macosx/
+++ b/macosx/
@@ -872,8 +872,7 @@ static int FormatSettings[3][4] =
/* Audio settings */
job->arate = hb_audio_rates[[fAudRatePopUp
- job->abitrate = hb_audio_bitrates[[fAudBitratePopUp
- indexOfSelectedItem]].rate;
+ job->abitrate = [[fAudBitratePopUp selectedItem] tag];
@@ -1618,29 +1617,84 @@ static int FormatSettings[3][4] =
- (IBAction) AudioTrackMixdownChanged: (id) sender
- /* If either mixdown popup includes 6-channel discrete, then allow up to 384 kbps*/
- if ([[fAudTrack1MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH || [[fAudTrack2MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH)
- {
- [fAudBitratePopUp removeAllItems];
- for( int i = 0; i < hb_audio_bitrates_count; i++ )
- {
- [fAudBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle:
- [NSString stringWithCString: hb_audio_bitrates[i].string]];
- }
- [fAudBitratePopUp selectItemAtIndex: 14];
- }
- /* Otherwise, cap the bitrate dropdown at 160 which is 9 in the array and use
- the default bitrate from common.c*/
- else
- {
- [fAudBitratePopUp removeAllItems];
- for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- [fAudBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle:
- [NSString stringWithCString: hb_audio_bitrates[i].string]];
- }
- [fAudBitratePopUp selectItemAtIndex: hb_audio_bitrates_default];
- }
+ /* find out what the currently-selected output audio codec is */
+ int format = [fDstFormatPopUp indexOfSelectedItem];
+ int codecs = [fDstCodecsPopUp indexOfSelectedItem];
+ int acodec = FormatSettings[format][codecs] & HB_ACODEC_MASK;
+ /* storage variable for the min and max bitrate allowed for this codec */
+ int minbitrate;
+ int maxbitrate;
+ switch( acodec )
+ {
+ /* check if we have a 6ch discrete conversion in either audio track */
+ if ([[fAudTrack1MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH || [[fAudTrack2MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH)
+ {
+ /* FAAC is happy using our min bitrate of 32 kbps, even for 6ch */
+ minbitrate = 32;
+ /* If either mixdown popup includes 6-channel discrete, then allow up to 384 kbps */
+ maxbitrate = 384;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* FAAC is happy using our min bitrate of 32 kbps for stereo or mono */
+ minbitrate = 32;
+ /* FAAC won't honour anything more than 160 for stereo, so let's not offer it */
+ /* note: haven't dealt with mono separately here, FAAC will just use the max it can */
+ maxbitrate = 160;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Lame is happy using our min bitrate of 32 kbps */
+ minbitrate = 32;
+ /* Lame won't encode if the bitrate is higher than 320 kbps */
+ maxbitrate = 320;
+ break;
+ /* Vorbis causes a crash if we use a bitrate below 48 kbps */
+ minbitrate = 48;
+ /* Vorbis can cope with 384 kbps quite happily, even for stereo */
+ maxbitrate = 384;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* AC3 passthru disables the bitrate dropdown anyway, so we might as well just use the min and max bitrate */
+ minbitrate = 32;
+ maxbitrate = 384;
+ }
+ [fAudBitratePopUp removeAllItems];
+ for( int i = 0; i < hb_audio_bitrates_count; i++ )
+ {
+ if (hb_audio_bitrates[i].rate >= minbitrate && hb_audio_bitrates[i].rate <= maxbitrate)
+ {
+ /* add a new menuitem for this bitrate */
+ id<NSMenuItem> menuItem = [[fAudBitratePopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: hb_audio_bitrates[i].string]
+ action: NULL keyEquivalent: @""];
+ /* set its tag to be the actual bitrate as an integer, so we can retrieve it later */
+ [menuItem setTag: hb_audio_bitrates[i].rate];
+ }
+ }
+ /* select the default bitrate (but use 384 for 6-ch AAC) */
+ if ([[fAudTrack1MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH || [[fAudTrack2MixPopUp selectedItem] tag] == HB_AMIXDOWN_6CH)
+ {
+ [fAudBitratePopUp selectItemWithTag: 384];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [fAudBitratePopUp selectItemWithTag: hb_audio_bitrates[hb_audio_bitrates_default].rate];
+ }
/* lets set the picture size back to the max from right after title scan
Lets use an IBAction here as down the road we could always use a checkbox