path: root/macosx/Controller.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/Controller.m')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/Controller.m b/macosx/Controller.m
index cfc7cad26..9788834ef 100644
--- a/macosx/Controller.m
+++ b/macosx/Controller.m
@@ -382,6 +382,18 @@ static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source It
[fSrcAngleLabel setHidden:YES];
[fSrcAnglePopUp setHidden:YES];
+ /* Setup the start / stop popup */
+ [fEncodeStartStopPopUp removeAllItems];
+ [fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Chapters"];
+ [fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Seconds"];
+ [fEncodeStartStopPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Frames"];
+ /* Align the start / stop widgets with the chapter popups */
+ [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp frame].origin];
+ [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp frame].origin];
+ [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp frame].origin];
+ [fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp frame].origin];
/* Destination box*/
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
[fDstFormatPopUp removeAllItems];
@@ -414,7 +426,6 @@ static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source It
[fVidEncoderPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"FFmpeg"];
/* Video quality */
[fVidTargetSizeField setIntValue: 700];
[fVidBitrateField setIntValue: 1000];
@@ -511,7 +522,8 @@ static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source It
fAudTrack2DrcField, fAudTrack3DrcSlider, fAudTrack3DrcField, fAudTrack4DrcSlider,fAudTrack4DrcField,
- fAudDrcLabel,fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck,fDstMp4iPodFileCheck,fVidQualityRFField,fVidQualityRFLabel};
+ fAudDrcLabel,fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck,fDstMp4iPodFileCheck,fVidQualityRFField,fVidQualityRFLabel,
+ fEncodeStartStopPopUp,fSrcTimeStartEncodingField,fSrcTimeEndEncodingField,fSrcFrameStartEncodingField,fSrcFrameEndEncodingField};
for( unsigned i = 0;
i < sizeof( controls ) / sizeof( NSControl * ); i++ )
@@ -753,8 +765,57 @@ static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source It
#undef p
#define p s.param.working
+ {
+ NSMutableString * string;
+ NSString * pass_desc;
+ /* Update text field */
+ pass_desc = @"";
+ //string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"Searching for start point: pass %d %@ of %d, %.2f %%", @"" ), p.job_cur, pass_desc, p.job_count, 100.0 * p.progress];
+ /* For now, do not announce "pass x of x for the search phase ... */
+ string = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString( @"Searching for start point ... : %.2f %%", @"" ), 100.0 * p.progress];
+ if( p.seconds > -1 )
+ {
+ [string appendFormat:
+ NSLocalizedString( @" (ETA %02dh%02dm%02ds)", @"" ), p.hours, p.minutes, p.seconds];
+ }
+ [fStatusField setStringValue: string];
+ /* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
+ [fQueueController setQueueStatusString: string];
+ /* Update slider */
+ CGFloat progress_total = ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
+ [fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
+ [fRipIndicator setDoubleValue:100.0 * progress_total];
+ // If progress bar hasn't been revealed at the bottom of the window, do
+ // that now. This code used to be in doRip. I moved it to here to handle
+ // the case where hb_start is called by HBQueueController and not from
+ // HBController.
+ if( !fRipIndicatorShown )
+ {
+ NSRect frame = [fWindow frame];
+ if( frame.size.width <= 591 )
+ frame.size.width = 591;
+ frame.size.height += 36;
+ frame.origin.y -= 36;
+ [fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
+ fRipIndicatorShown = YES;
+ }
+ /* Update dock icon */
+ /* Note not done yet */
+ break;
+ }
NSMutableString * string;
@@ -1829,6 +1890,8 @@ static NSString * ChooseSourceIdentifier = @"Choose Source It
/* if its the initial successful scan after awakeFromNib */
if (currentSuccessfulScanCount == 1)
+ [self encodeStartStopPopUpChanged:nil];
[self selectDefaultPreset:nil];
// Open preview window now if it was visible when HB was closed
@@ -2128,9 +2191,34 @@ fWorkingCount = 0;
[queueFileJob setObject:[fSrcDVD2Field stringValue] forKey:@"SourceName"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title->index] forKey:@"TitleNumber"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcAnglePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"TitleAngle"];
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"ChapterStart"];
+ /* Determine and set a variable to tell hb what start and stop times to use ... chapters vs seconds */
+ if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 )
+ {
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
+ }
+ else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 1)
+ {
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
+ }
+ else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 2)
+ {
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"];
+ }
+ /* Chapter encode info */
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"ChapterStart"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] + 1] forKey:@"ChapterEnd"];
+ /* Time (pts) encode info */
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StartSeconds"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StopSeconds"];
+ /* Frame number encode info */
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StartFrame"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]] forKey:@"StopFrame"];
+ /* The number of seek points equals the number of seconds announced in the title as that is our current granularity */
+ int title_duration_seconds = (title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds);
+ [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:title_duration_seconds] forKey:@"SourceTotalSeconds"];
[queueFileJob setObject:[fDstFile2Field stringValue] forKey:@"DestinationPath"];
@@ -3338,10 +3426,69 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
hb_audio_config_t * audio;
/* Title Angle for dvdnav */
job->angle = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"TitleAngle"] intValue];
- /* Chapter selection */
- job->chapter_start = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterStart"] intValue];
- job->chapter_end = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterEnd"] intValue];
+ if([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 0)
+ {
+ /* Chapter selection */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to chapters"];
+ job->chapter_start = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterStart"] intValue];
+ job->chapter_end = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobChapterEnd"] intValue];
+ }
+ else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 1)
+ {
+ /* we are pts based start / stop */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to seconds ..."];
+ /* Point A to Point B. Since we cannot get frame accurate start times, attempt to glean a semi-accurate start time based on a percentage of the
+ * scanned title time as per live preview, while in some cases inaccurate its the best I can do with what I have barring a pre-scan index afaik.
+ */
+ /* Attempt to bastardize the live preview code to get a roughly 1 second accurate point a to point b encode ... */
+ /* get the start seconds from the start seconds field */
+ int start_seconds = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StartSeconds"] intValue];
+ //job->start_at_preview = start_seconds;
+ /* The number of seek points equals the number of seconds announced in the title as that is our current granularity */
+ //job->seek_points = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"SourceTotalSeconds"] intValue];
+ job->pts_to_start = start_seconds * 90000LL;
+ /* Stop seconds is actually the duration of encode, so subtract the end seconds from the start seconds */
+ int stop_seconds = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StopSeconds"] intValue];
+ job->pts_to_stop = stop_seconds * 90000LL;
+ /* A bunch of verbose activity log messages to check on what should be expected */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should start at: %d seconds", start_seconds];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should start at (hh:mm:ss): %d:%d:%d", start_seconds / 3600, ( start_seconds / 60 ) % 60,start_seconds % 60];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b duration: %d seconds", stop_seconds];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b duration (hh:mm:ss): %d:%d:%d", stop_seconds / 3600, ( stop_seconds / 60 ) % 60,stop_seconds % 60];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should end at: %d seconds", start_seconds + stop_seconds];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should end at (hh:mm:ss): %d:%d:%d", (start_seconds + stop_seconds) / 3600, ( (start_seconds + stop_seconds) / 60 ) % 60,(start_seconds + stop_seconds) % 60];
+ }
+ else if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"fEncodeStartStop"] intValue] == 2)
+ {
+ /* we are frame based start / stop */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "Start / Stop set to frames ..."];
+ /* Point A to Point B. Since we cannot get frame accurate start times, attempt to glean a semi-accurate start time based on a percentage of the
+ * scanned title time as per live preview, while in some cases inaccurate its the best I can do with what I have barring a pre-scan index afaik.
+ */
+ /* Attempt to bastardize the live preview code to get a roughly 1 second accurate point a to point b encode ... */
+ /* get the start seconds from the start seconds field */
+ int start_frame = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StartFrame"] intValue];
+ //job->start_at_preview = start_seconds;
+ /* The number of seek points equals the number of seconds announced in the title as that is our current granularity */
+ //job->seek_points = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"SourceTotalSeconds"] intValue];
+ job->frame_to_start = start_frame;
+ /* Stop seconds is actually the duration of encode, so subtract the end seconds from the start seconds */
+ int stop_frame = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"StopFrame"] intValue];
+ job->frame_to_stop = stop_frame;
+ /* A bunch of verbose activity log messages to check on what should be expected */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should start at frame %d", start_frame];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b duration: %d frames", stop_frame];
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "point a to b should end at frame %d", start_frame + stop_frame];
+ }
/* Format (Muxer) and Video Encoder */
job->mux = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobFileFormatMux"] intValue];
job->vcodec = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"JobVideoEncoderVcodec"] intValue];
@@ -4198,6 +4345,14 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
+ /* For point a to point b pts encoding, set the start and end fields to 0 and the title duration in seconds respectively */
+ int duration = (title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds);
+ [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", 0]];
+ [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", duration]];
+ /* For point a to point b frame encoding, set the start and end fields to 0 and the title duration * announced fps in seconds respectively */
+ [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", 1]];
+ //[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", ((title->hours * 3600) + (title->minutes * 60) + (title->seconds)) * 24]];
+ [fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", duration * (title->rate / title->rate_base)]];
/* If Auto Naming is on. We create an output filename of dvd name - title number */
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"] > 0 && ( hb_list_count( list ) > 1 ) )
@@ -4208,7 +4363,10 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
[[fDstFile2Field stringValue] pathExtension]]];
+ /* Update encode start / stop variables */
/* Update chapter popups */
[fSrcChapterStartPopUp removeAllItems];
[fSrcChapterEndPopUp removeAllItems];
@@ -4309,6 +4467,55 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
[self selectPreset:nil];
+- (IBAction) encodeStartStopPopUpChanged: (id) sender;
+ if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp isEnabled] )
+ {
+ /* We are chapters */
+ if( [fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 )
+ {
+ [fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: NO];
+ [fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: NO];
+ [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [self chapterPopUpChanged:nil];
+ }
+ /* We are time based (seconds) */
+ else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 1)
+ {
+ [fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: NO];
+ [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: NO];
+ [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [self startEndSecValueChanged:nil];
+ }
+ /* We are frame based */
+ else if ([fEncodeStartStopPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == 2)
+ {
+ [fSrcChapterStartPopUp setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcChapterEndPopUp setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setHidden: YES];
+ [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setHidden: NO];
+ [fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setHidden: NO];
+ [self startEndFrameValueChanged:nil];
+ }
+ }
- (IBAction) chapterPopUpChanged: (id) sender
@@ -4337,7 +4544,7 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
[fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
duration % 60]];
[self calculateBitrate: sender];
if ( [fSrcChapterStartPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == [fSrcChapterEndPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] )
@@ -4352,6 +4559,33 @@ bool one_burned = FALSE;
+- (IBAction) startEndSecValueChanged: (id) sender
+ int duration = [fSrcTimeEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcTimeStartEncodingField intValue];
+ [fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
+ @"%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
+ duration % 60]];
+ //[self calculateBitrate: sender];
+- (IBAction) startEndFrameValueChanged: (id) sender
+ hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
+ hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t*)
+ hb_list_item( list, [fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ int duration = ([fSrcFrameEndEncodingField intValue] - [fSrcFrameStartEncodingField intValue]) / (title->rate / title->rate_base);
+ [fSrcDuration2Field setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
+ @"%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", duration / 3600, ( duration / 60 ) % 60,
+ duration % 60]];
+ //[self calculateBitrate: sender];
- (IBAction) formatPopUpChanged: (id) sender
NSString * string = [fDstFile2Field stringValue];