path: root/core/AviMuxer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/AviMuxer.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 481 deletions
diff --git a/core/AviMuxer.cpp b/core/AviMuxer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a84fe8b8..000000000
--- a/core/AviMuxer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: AviMuxer.cpp,v 1.17 2003/10/09 23:33:36 titer Exp $
- This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
- Homepage: <>.
- It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "AviMuxer.h"
-#include "Manager.h"
-#define AVIF_HASINDEX 0x10
-#define AVIIF_KEYFRAME 0x10
-#define FOURCC(a) ( ( a[3] << 24 ) | ( a[2] << 16 ) | ( a[1] << 8 ) | a[0] )
-/* TODO : check return values from fputc/fwrite in case disk is full
- or something */
-void WriteInt8( FILE * file, uint8_t val )
- fputc( val, file );
-void WriteInt16( FILE * file, uint16_t val )
- fputc( val & 0xFF, file );
- fputc( val >> 8, file );
-void WriteInt32( FILE * file, uint32_t val )
- fputc( val & 0xFF, file );
- fputc( ( val >> 8 ) & 0xFF, file );
- fputc( ( val >> 16 ) & 0xFF, file );
- fputc( val >> 24, file );
-void WriteBuffer( FILE * file, HBBuffer * buffer )
- fwrite( buffer->fData, buffer->fSize, 1, file );
-void WriteBitmapInfo( FILE * file, BitmapInfo * bitmapInfo )
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->FourCC );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->BytesCount );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->Size );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->Width );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->Height );
- WriteInt16( file, bitmapInfo->Planes );
- WriteInt16( file, bitmapInfo->BitCount );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->Compression );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->SizeImage );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->XPelsPerMeter );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->YPelsPerMeter );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->ClrUsed );
- WriteInt32( file, bitmapInfo->ClrImportant );
- WriteInt8( file, bitmapInfo->Blue );
- WriteInt8( file, bitmapInfo->Green );
- WriteInt8( file, bitmapInfo->Red );
- WriteInt8( file, bitmapInfo->Reserved );
-void WriteWaveFormatEx( FILE * file, WaveFormatEx * waveFormatEx )
- WriteInt32( file, waveFormatEx->FourCC );
- WriteInt32( file, waveFormatEx->BytesCount );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->FormatTag );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->Channels );
- WriteInt32( file, waveFormatEx->SamplesPerSec );
- WriteInt32( file, waveFormatEx->AvgBytesPerSec );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->BlockAlign );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->BitsPerSample );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->Size );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->Id );
- WriteInt32( file, waveFormatEx->Flags );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->BlockSize );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->FramesPerBlock );
- WriteInt16( file, waveFormatEx->CodecDelay );
-void WriteMainHeader( FILE * file, AviMainHeader * mainHeader )
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->FourCC );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->BytesCount );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->MicroSecPerFrame );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->MaxBytesPerSec );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->PaddingGranularity );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Flags );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->TotalFrames );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->InitialFrames );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Streams );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->SuggestedBufferSize );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Width );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Height );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Reserved[0] );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Reserved[1] );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Reserved[2] );
- WriteInt32( file, mainHeader->Reserved[3] );
-void WriteStreamHeader( FILE * file, AviStreamHeader * streamHeader )
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->FourCC );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->BytesCount );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Type );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Handler );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Flags );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Priority );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Language );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->InitialFrames );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Scale );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Rate );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Start );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Length );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->SuggestedBufferSize );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->Quality );
- WriteInt32( file, streamHeader->SampleSize );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Left );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Top );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Right );
- WriteInt16( file, streamHeader->Bottom );
-HBAviIndex::HBAviIndex( uint32_t size )
- : HBBuffer( size )
- fSize = 0;
-void HBAviIndex::WriteInt32( uint32_t val )
- if( fSize + 16 > fAllocSize )
- {
- /* Realloc if needed */
- Log( "HBAviIndex::WriteInt32() : reallocing index (%d -> %d MB)",
- fAllocSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ),
- 1 + fAllocSize / ( 1024 * 1024 ) );
- ReAlloc( fAllocSize + 1024 * 1024 );
- }
- fData[fSize] = val & 0xFF;
- fData[fSize + 1] = ( val >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
- fData[fSize + 2] = ( val >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
- fData[fSize + 3] = val >> 24;
- fSize += 4;
-HBAviMuxer::HBAviMuxer( HBManager * manager, HBTitle * title,
- HBAudio * audio1, HBAudio * audio2,
- char * fileName )
- : HBThread( "avimuxer", HB_NORMAL_PRIORITY )
- fManager = manager;
- fTitle = title;
- fAudio1 = audio1;
- fAudio2 = audio2;
- fFileName = strdup( fileName );
- fVideoBuffer = NULL;
- fAudio1Buffer = NULL;
- fAudio2Buffer = NULL;
- fRiffBytesCount = 2040;
- fMoviBytesCount = 4;
- Run();
-void HBAviMuxer::DoWork()
- /* Open the destination file */
- if( !( fFile = fopen( fFileName, "w" ) ) )
- {
- Log( "HBAviMuxer: fopen failed" );
- fManager->Error( HB_ERROR_AVI_WRITE );
- return;
- }
- /* Initializations */
- memset( &fMainHeader, 0, sizeof( AviMainHeader ) );
- memset( &fVideoStreamHeader, 0, sizeof( AviStreamHeader ) );
- memset( &fAudio1StreamHeader, 0, sizeof( AviStreamHeader ) );
- memset( &fAudio2StreamHeader, 0, sizeof( AviStreamHeader ) );
- memset( &fVideoStreamFormat, 0, sizeof( BitmapInfo ) );
- memset( &fAudio1StreamFormat, 0, sizeof( WaveFormatEx ) );
- memset( &fAudio2StreamFormat, 0, sizeof( WaveFormatEx ) );
- /* Alloc an 1 MB index (to be realloced later if needed) */
- fIndex = new HBAviIndex( 1024 * 1024 );
- /* Main loop */
- for( ;; )
- {
- while( fSuspend )
- {
- Snooze( 10000 );
- }
- if( !fVideoBuffer )
- {
- fVideoBuffer = Pop( fTitle->fMpeg4Fifo );
- }
- if( fAudio1 && !fAudio1Buffer )
- {
- fAudio1Buffer = Pop( fAudio1->fMp3Fifo );
- }
- if( fAudio2 && !fAudio2Buffer )
- {
- fAudio2Buffer = Pop( fAudio2->fMp3Fifo );
- }
- if( !fVideoBuffer && !fAudio1Buffer && !fAudio2Buffer )
- {
- break;
- }
- if( fVideoBuffer &&
- ( !fAudio1Buffer ||
- fVideoBuffer->fPosition < fAudio1Buffer->fPosition ) &&
- ( !fAudio2Buffer ||
- fVideoBuffer->fPosition < fAudio2Buffer->fPosition ) )
- {
- AddVideoChunk();
- }
- else if( fAudio1Buffer &&
- ( !fAudio2Buffer ||
- fAudio1Buffer->fPosition < fAudio2Buffer->fPosition ) )
- {
- AddAudioChunk( 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- AddAudioChunk( 2 );
- }
- }
- /* Write the index */
- fseek( fFile, 0, SEEK_END );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "idx1" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, fIndex->fSize );
- WriteBuffer( fFile, fIndex );
- /* Update the headers */
- fRiffBytesCount += 8 + fIndex->fSize;
- fMainHeader.Flags |= AVIF_HASINDEX;
- UpdateMainHeader();
- delete fIndex;
- fclose( fFile );
-bool HBAviMuxer::AddVideoChunk()
- fRiffBytesCount += 8 + EVEN( fVideoBuffer->fSize );
- fMoviBytesCount += 8 + EVEN( fVideoBuffer->fSize );
- fMainHeader.MicroSecPerFrame = 1000000 * (uint64_t) fTitle->fScale /
- fTitle->fRate;
- fMainHeader.TotalFrames++;
- fMainHeader.Width = fTitle->fOutWidth;
- fMainHeader.Height = fTitle->fOutHeight;
- fVideoStreamHeader.FourCC = FOURCC( "strh" );
- fVideoStreamHeader.BytesCount = AVI_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE - 8;
- fVideoStreamHeader.Type = FOURCC( "vids" );
- fVideoStreamHeader.Handler = FOURCC( "DIVX" );
- fVideoStreamHeader.Scale = fTitle->fScale;
- fVideoStreamHeader.Rate = fTitle->fRate;
- fVideoStreamHeader.Length++;
- fVideoStreamFormat.FourCC = FOURCC( "strf" );
- fVideoStreamFormat.BytesCount = BITMAP_INFO_SIZE - 8;
- fVideoStreamFormat.Size = BITMAP_INFO_SIZE - 8;
- fVideoStreamFormat.Width = fTitle->fOutWidth;
- fVideoStreamFormat.Height = fTitle->fOutHeight;
- fVideoStreamFormat.Planes = 1;
- fVideoStreamFormat.BitCount = 24;
- fVideoStreamFormat.Compression = FOURCC( "DIVX" );;
- UpdateMainHeader();
- fseek( fFile, 0, SEEK_END );
- /* Update the index */
- fIndex->WriteInt32( FOURCC( "00dc" ) );
- fIndex->WriteInt32( fVideoBuffer->fKeyFrame ? AVIIF_KEYFRAME : 0 );
- fIndex->WriteInt32( ftell( fFile ) - 2044 );
- fIndex->WriteInt32( fVideoBuffer->fSize );
- /* Write the chunk */
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "00dc" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, fVideoBuffer->fSize );
- WriteBuffer( fFile, fVideoBuffer );
- /* Chunks must be 2-bytes aligned */
- if( fVideoBuffer->fSize & 1 )
- {
- WriteInt8( fFile, 0 );
- }
- delete fVideoBuffer;
- fVideoBuffer = NULL;
- return true;
-bool HBAviMuxer::AddAudioChunk( int track )
- HBAudio * info;
- HBBuffer * buffer;
- AviStreamHeader * streamHeader;
- WaveFormatEx * streamFormat;
- if( track == 1 )
- {
- info = fAudio1;
- buffer = fAudio1Buffer;
- streamHeader = &fAudio1StreamHeader;
- streamFormat = &fAudio1StreamFormat;
- }
- else
- {
- info = fAudio2;
- buffer = fAudio2Buffer;
- streamHeader = &fAudio2StreamHeader;
- streamFormat = &fAudio2StreamFormat;
- }
- fRiffBytesCount += 8 + EVEN( buffer->fSize );
- fMoviBytesCount += 8 + EVEN( buffer->fSize );
- streamHeader->FourCC = FOURCC( "strh" );
- streamHeader->BytesCount = AVI_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE - 8;
- streamHeader->Type = FOURCC( "auds" );
- streamHeader->InitialFrames = 1;
- streamHeader->Scale = 1152;
- streamHeader->Rate = info->fOutSampleRate;
- streamHeader->Length++;
- streamHeader->Quality = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- streamFormat->FourCC = FOURCC( "strf" );
- streamFormat->BytesCount = WAVE_FORMAT_EX_SIZE - 8;
- streamFormat->FormatTag = 0x55;
- streamFormat->Channels = 2;
- streamFormat->SamplesPerSec = info->fOutSampleRate;
- streamFormat->AvgBytesPerSec = info->fOutBitrate * 1024 / 8;
- streamFormat->BlockAlign = 1152;
- /* stolen from libavformat/wav.c */
- streamFormat->Size = 12;
- streamFormat->Id = 1;
- streamFormat->Flags = 2;
- streamFormat->BlockSize = 1152;
- streamFormat->FramesPerBlock = 1;
- streamFormat->CodecDelay = 1393;
- UpdateMainHeader();
- fseek( fFile, 0, SEEK_END );
- /* Update the index */
- if( track == 1 )
- {
- fIndex->WriteInt32( FOURCC( "01wb" ) );
- }
- else
- {
- fIndex->WriteInt32( FOURCC( "02wb" ) );
- }
- fIndex->WriteInt32( buffer->fKeyFrame ? AVIIF_KEYFRAME : 0 );
- fIndex->WriteInt32( ftell( fFile ) - 2044 );
- fIndex->WriteInt32( buffer->fSize );
- /* Write the chunk */
- WriteInt32( fFile,
- ( track == 1 ) ? FOURCC( "01wb" ) : FOURCC( "02wb" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, buffer->fSize );
- WriteBuffer( fFile, buffer );
- /* Chunks must be 2-bytes aligned */
- if( buffer->fSize & 1 )
- {
- WriteInt8( fFile, 0 );
- }
- delete buffer;
- if( track == 1 )
- {
- fAudio1Buffer = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- fAudio2Buffer = NULL;
- }
- return true;
-void HBAviMuxer::UpdateMainHeader()
- fMainHeader.FourCC = FOURCC( "avih" );
- fMainHeader.BytesCount = AVI_MAIN_HEADER_SIZE - 8;
- fMainHeader.Streams = 1 + ( fAudio1 ? 1 : 0 ) +
- ( fAudio2 ? 1 : 0 );
- fHdrlBytesCount = 4 + AVI_MAIN_HEADER_SIZE + 12 +
- if( fAudio1 )
- {
- fHdrlBytesCount += 12 + AVI_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE +
- }
- if( fAudio2 )
- {
- fHdrlBytesCount += 12 + AVI_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE +
- }
- fseek( fFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "RIFF" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, fRiffBytesCount );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "AVI " ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "LIST" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, fHdrlBytesCount );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "hdrl" ) );
- WriteMainHeader( fFile, &fMainHeader );
- int strlSize;
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "LIST" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, strlSize );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "strl" ) );
- WriteStreamHeader( fFile, &fVideoStreamHeader );
- WriteBitmapInfo( fFile, &fVideoStreamFormat );
- if( fAudio1 )
- {
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "LIST" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, strlSize );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "strl" ) );
- WriteStreamHeader( fFile, &fAudio1StreamHeader );
- WriteWaveFormatEx( fFile, &fAudio1StreamFormat );
- }
- if( fAudio2 )
- {
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "LIST" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, strlSize );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "strl" ) );
- WriteStreamHeader( fFile, &fAudio2StreamHeader );
- WriteWaveFormatEx( fFile, &fAudio2StreamFormat );
- }
- /* a JUNK chunk to fill the free space.
- size = 2048 -/
- 12 ("RIFFxxxxAVI ") -
- 8 (hdrl's "LIS1Txxxx") -
- fHdrlBytesCount -
- 8 ("JUNKxxxx") -
- 12 ("LISTxxxxmovi) */
- int junkSize = 2008 - fHdrlBytesCount;
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "JUNK" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, junkSize );
- for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 2008 - fHdrlBytesCount; i++ )
- {
- WriteInt8( fFile, 0 );
- }
- /* movi list */
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "LIST" ) );
- WriteInt32( fFile, fMoviBytesCount );
- WriteInt32( fFile, FOURCC( "movi" ) );