path: root/beos/HBWindow.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'beos/HBWindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/beos/HBWindow.cpp b/beos/HBWindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb51d61f..000000000
--- a/beos/HBWindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#include "HBWindow.h"
-#include <MenuItem.h>
-#include <Screen.h>
-#define SCAN_OPEN 'scop'
-#define RIP_RIP 'riri'
-static void _Scanning( void * data, int title, int titleCount )
- ((HBWindow*)data)->Scanning( title, titleCount );
-static void _ScanDone( void * data, HBList * titleList )
- ((HBWindow*)data)->ScanDone( titleList );
-static void _Encoding( void * data, float position, int pass,
- int passCount, float frameRate,
- float avgFrameRate, int remainingTime )
- ((HBWindow*)data)->Encoding( position, pass, passCount, frameRate,
- avgFrameRate, remainingTime );
-static void _RipDone( void * data, int result )
- ((HBWindow*)data)->RipDone( result );
- : MWindow( BRect( 0,0,10,10 ), "HandBrake " HB_VERSION,
- /* Init libhb */
- HBCallbacks callbacks;
- = this;
- callbacks.scanning = _Scanning;
- callbacks.scanDone = _ScanDone;
- callbacks.encoding = _Encoding;
- callbacks.ripDone = _RipDone;
- fHandle = HBInit( 1, 0 );
- HBSetCallbacks( fHandle, callbacks );
- fScanView = new HGroup(
- new Space( minimax( 10,-1,10,-1 ) ),
- new VGroup(
- new Space( minimax( -1,10,-1,10 ) ),
- new MStringView( "Welcome to HandBrake. Select a DVD to open:" ),
- new Space( minimax( -1,5,-1,5 ) ),
- new HGroup(
- fScanRadio = new MRadioGroup( "Detected volume:",
- "DVD Folder:", 0 ),
- new VGroup(
- fScanDetectedPopup = new MPopup( NULL,
- "/Bulk/ANGEL_SEASON2_DISC6", 0 ),
- fScanFolderControl = new MTextControl( NULL, NULL ),
- 0 ),
- 0 ),
- fScanBrowseButton = new MButton( "Browse", 12 ),
- fScanStatusString = new MStringView( "" ),
- fScanProgress = new MProgressBar( this ),
- fScanOpenButton = new MButton( "Open",
- new BMessage( SCAN_OPEN ) ),
- new Space( minimax( -1,10,-1,10000 ) ),
- 0 ),
- new Space( minimax( 10,-1,10,-1 ) ),
- 0 );
- fScanDetectedPopup->Menu()->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked(true);
- fScanProgress->ct_mpm = minimax( 0,12,10000,12 );
- fRipView = new HGroup(
- new Space( minimax( 10,-1,10,-1 ) ),
- new VGroup(
- new Space( minimax( -1,10,-1,10 ) ),
- new MBorder(
- M_LABELED_BORDER, 15, "General",
- new VGroup(
- fRipTitlePopup = new MPopup( "DVD title:", "dummy", 0 ),
- new MPopup( "Output format:",
- "MP4 file / MPEG-4 video / AAC audio",
- "OGM file / MPEG-4 video / Vorbis audio",
- "AVI file / MPEG-4 video / MP3 audio",
- "AVI file / H264 video / MP3 audio", 0 ),
- new MTextControl( "File:", "/boot/home/Desktop/Movie.mp4" ),
- new MButton( "Browse" ),
- 0 )
- ),
- new MBorder(
- M_LABELED_BORDER, 15, "Video",
- new VGroup(
- new MPopup( "MPEG-4 encoder:", "FFmpeg", "XviD", 0 ),
- new HGroup(
- new MStringView( "Bitrate:" ),
- new MRadioGroup( "Custom (kbps)", "Target size (MB)", 0 ),
- new VGroup(
- new MTextControl( NULL, NULL ),
- new MTextControl( NULL, NULL ),
- 0 ),
- 0 ),
- new MSplitter(),
- new HGroup(
- new MCheckBox( "2-pass encoding" ),
- new MButton( "Crop & Scale..." ),
- 0 ),
- 0 )
- ),
- new MBorder(
- M_LABELED_BORDER, 15, "Audio",
- new VGroup(
- fRipLanguage1Popup = new MPopup( "Language 1:",
- "dummy", 0 ),
- fRipLanguage2Popup = new MPopup( "Language 2 (optional):",
- "dummy", 0 ),
- fRipBitratePopup = new MPopup( "Bitrate (kbps):", "32",
- "64", "96", "128", "160", "192", "224", "256", "288",
- "320", 0 ),
- 0 )
- ),
- new MProgressBar( this ),
- new HGroup(
- new MButton( "Pause" ),
- new MButton( "Rip!", new BMessage( RIP_RIP ) ),
- 0 ),
- new Space( minimax( -1,10,-1,10 ) ),
- 0 ),
- new Space( minimax( 10,-1,10,-1 ) ),
- 0 );
- fRipBitratePopup->Menu()->ItemAt(3)->SetMarked( true );
- fLayers = new LayeredGroup( fScanView, fRipView, 0 );
- AddChild( dynamic_cast<BView*>(fLayers) );
- /* Center the window */
- BScreen screen;
- MoveTo( ( screen.Frame().Width() ) / 2,
- ( screen.Frame().Height() ) / 2 );
- Show();
-bool HBWindow::QuitRequested()
- HBClose( &fHandle );
- be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
- return true;
-void HBWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage * message )
- switch( message->what )
- {
- case SCAN_OPEN:
- Lock();
- /* That's ugly, but there doesn't seem to be another way */
- ((BRadioButton*)fScanRadio->ChildAt(0))->SetEnabled( false );
- ((BRadioButton*)fScanRadio->ChildAt(1))->SetEnabled( false );
- fScanDetectedPopup->SetEnabled( false );
- fScanFolderControl->SetEnabled( false );
- fScanBrowseButton->SetEnabled( false );
- fScanOpenButton->SetEnabled( false );
- fScanStatusString->SetText( "Opening device..." );
- Unlock();
- HBScanDVD( fHandle,
- fScanDetectedPopup->Menu()->FindMarked()->Label(), 0 );
- break;
- case RIP_RIP:
- {
- HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*) HBListItemAt( fTitleList,
- fRipTitlePopup->Menu()->IndexOf(
- fRipTitlePopup->Menu()->FindMarked() ) );
- title->file = strdup( "/boot/home/Desktop/Movie.mp4" );
- title->twoPass = 0;
- title->deinterlace = 0;
- title->topCrop = title->autoTopCrop;
- title->bottomCrop = title->autoBottomCrop;
- title->leftCrop = title->autoLeftCrop;
- title->rightCrop = title->autoRightCrop;
- title->bitrate = 1024;
- title->codec = HB_CODEC_FFMPEG;
- title->mux = HB_MUX_MP4;
- HBAudio * audio = (HBAudio*) HBListItemAt(
- title->audioList, 0 );
- audio->codec = HB_CODEC_AAC;
- audio->outBitrate = 128;
- HBListAdd( title->ripAudioList, audio );
- HBStartRip( fHandle, title );
- break;
- }
- default:
- MWindow::MessageReceived( message );
- break;
- }
-void HBWindow::Scanning( int title, int titleCount )
- Lock();
- char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
- snprintf( string, 1023, "Scanning title %d of %d...",
- title, titleCount );
- fScanStatusString->SetText( string );
- fScanProgress->SetValue( (float) title / titleCount );
- Unlock();
-void HBWindow::ScanDone( HBList * titleList )
-#define menu fRipTitlePopup->Menu()
- Lock();
- BMenuItem * item;
- while( ( item = menu->ItemAt(0) ) )
- {
- menu->RemoveItem( item );
- delete item;
- }
- HBTitle * title;
- char label[1024];
- for( int i = 0; i < HBListCount( titleList ); i++ )
- {
- memset( label, 0, 1024 );
- title = (HBTitle*) HBListItemAt( titleList, i );
- snprintf( label, 1023, "%d - %02dh%02dm%02ds", title->index,
- title->length / 3600, ( title->length % 3600 ) / 60,
- title->length % 60 );
- menu->AddItem( new BMenuItem( label, NULL ) );
- }
- menu->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked( true );
- fTitleList = titleList;
- UpdateLanguages();
- fLayers->ActivateLayer( 1 );
- Unlock();
-#undef menu
-void HBWindow::Encoding( float position, int pass, int passCount,
- float frameRate, float avgFrameRate,
- int remainingTime )
-void HBWindow::RipDone( int result )
-void HBWindow::UpdateLanguages()
-#define menu fRipTitlePopup->Menu()
- HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*) HBListItemAt( fTitleList,
- menu->IndexOf( menu->FindMarked() ) );
-#undef menu
-#define menu1 fRipLanguage1Popup->Menu()
-#define menu2 fRipLanguage2Popup->Menu()
- BMenuItem * item;
- while( ( item = menu1->ItemAt(0) ) )
- {
- menu1->RemoveItem( item );
- delete item;
- }
- while( ( item = menu2->ItemAt(0) ) )
- {
- menu2->RemoveItem( item );
- delete item;
- }
- HBAudio * audio;
- for( int i = 0; i < HBListCount( title->audioList ); i++ )
- {
- audio = (HBAudio*) HBListItemAt( title->audioList, i );
- menu1->AddItem( new BMenuItem( audio->language, NULL ) );
- menu2->AddItem( new BMenuItem( audio->language, NULL ) );
- }
- menu1->ItemAt(0)->SetMarked( true );
- menu2->AddItem( new BMenuItem( "None", NULL ) );
- menu2->ItemAt( menu2->CountItems() - 1 )->SetMarked( true );
-#undef menu1
-#undef menu2