path: root/macosx/
diff options
authorhandbrake <[email protected]>2006-01-14 12:56:59 +0000
committerhandbrake <[email protected]>2006-01-14 12:56:59 +0000
commit452f36599a1ea52f3bd42361b534594568c428fd (patch)
tree7f53f79212cf524f0a13ed5ee2250992f21eabcb /macosx/
parenta9a84221af31ca7d11d1aa182d8b152270203f9f (diff)
HandBrake 0.4
git-svn-id: svn:// b64f7644-9d1e-0410-96f1-a4d463321fa5
Diffstat (limited to 'macosx/')
1 files changed, 812 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macosx/ b/macosx/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..402d721fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macosx/
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+/* $Id:,v 1.10 2003/10/13 23:09:56 titer Exp $
+ This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
+ Homepage: <>.
+ It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+#include <paths.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
+#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>
+#include <IOKit/storage/IODVDMedia.h>
+#include "Controller.h"
+#include "Manager.h"
+@implementation HBController
+- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) notification
+ /* Init libhb */
+ fManager = new HBManager( true );
+ /* Update the GUI every 1/10 sec */
+ fDie = false;
+ [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.1
+ target: self selector: @selector( UpdateIntf: )
+ userInfo: nil repeats: YES];
+- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:
+ (NSApplication *) app
+ /* Clean up */
+ fDie = true;
+ delete fManager;
+ return NSTerminateNow;
+- (void) awakeFromNib
+ [fDVDPopUp removeAllItems];
+ [fScanProgress setStyle: NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle];
+ [fScanProgress setDisplayedWhenStopped: NO];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp removeAllItems];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"32"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"64"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"96"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"128"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"160"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"192"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"224"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"256"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"288"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"320"];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp selectItemWithTitle: @"128"];
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ snprintf( string, 1024, "%s/Desktop/Movie.avi", getenv( "HOME" ) );
+ [fFileField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ /* Show the scan view */
+ [fWindow setContentSize: [fScanView frame].size];
+ [fWindow setContentView: fScanView];
+ [fWindow center];
+ /* Detect DVD drives */
+ fLastDVDDetection = GetDate();
+ [self DetectDrives];
+ [self ScanMatrixChanged: self];
+- (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id) sender
+ /* Stop the application when the user closes the window */
+ [NSApp terminate: self];
+ return YES;
+- (IBAction) BrowseDVD: (id) sender
+ /* Open a panel to let the user choose and update the text field */
+ NSOpenPanel * panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
+ [panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
+ [panel setCanChooseFiles: NO];
+ [panel setCanChooseDirectories: YES ];
+ [panel beginSheetForDirectory: nil file: nil types: nil
+ modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: self
+ didEndSelector: @selector( BrowseDVDDone:returnCode:contextInfo: )
+ contextInfo: nil];
+- (void) BrowseDVDDone: (NSOpenPanel *) sheet
+ returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
+ if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
+ {
+ [fDVDFolderField setStringValue:
+ [[sheet filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]];
+ }
+- (IBAction) VideoMatrixChanged: (id) sender;
+ if( ![fVideoMatrix selectedRow] )
+ {
+ [fCustomBitrateField setEnabled: YES];
+ [fTargetSizeField setEnabled: NO];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [fCustomBitrateField setEnabled: NO];
+ [fTargetSizeField setEnabled: YES];
+ [fTargetSizeField UpdateBitrate];
+ }
+- (IBAction) BrowseFile: (id) sender
+ /* Open a panel to let the user choose and update the text field */
+ NSSavePanel * panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
+ [panel beginSheetForDirectory: nil file: nil
+ modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: self
+ didEndSelector: @selector( BrowseFileDone:returnCode:contextInfo: )
+ contextInfo: nil];
+- (void) BrowseFileDone: (NSSavePanel *) sheet
+ returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
+ if( returnCode == NSOKButton )
+ {
+ [fFileField setStringValue: [sheet filename]];
+ }
+- (IBAction) Scan: (id) sender
+ /* Ask the manager to start scanning the specified volume */
+ if( ![fScanMatrix selectedRow] )
+ {
+ /* DVD drive */
+ fManager->ScanVolumes( (char*) [[fDVDPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]
+ cString] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* DVD folder */
+ fManager->ScanVolumes( (char*) [[fDVDFolderField stringValue]
+ cString] );
+ }
+- (IBAction) ShowPicturePanel: (id) sender
+ HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*)
+ fTitleList->ItemAt( [fTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ [fPictureGLView SetManager: fManager];
+ [fPictureGLView SetTitle: title];
+ fPicture = 0;
+ [fPictureGLView ShowPicture: fPicture];
+ [fWidthStepper setValueWraps: NO];
+ [fWidthStepper setIncrement: 16];
+ [fWidthStepper setMinValue: 16];
+ [fWidthStepper setMaxValue: title->fOutWidthMax];
+ [fWidthStepper setIntValue: title->fOutWidth];
+ [fWidthField setIntValue: title->fOutWidth];
+ [fTopStepper setValueWraps: NO];
+ [fTopStepper setIncrement: 2];
+ [fTopStepper setMinValue: 0];
+ [fTopStepper setMaxValue: title->fInHeight / 4];
+ [fTopStepper setIntValue: title->fTopCrop];
+ [fTopField setIntValue: title->fTopCrop];
+ [fBottomStepper setValueWraps: NO];
+ [fBottomStepper setIncrement: 2];
+ [fBottomStepper setMinValue: 0];
+ [fBottomStepper setMaxValue: title->fInHeight / 4];
+ [fBottomStepper setIntValue: title->fBottomCrop];
+ [fBottomField setIntValue: title->fBottomCrop];
+ [fLeftStepper setValueWraps: NO];
+ [fLeftStepper setIncrement: 2];
+ [fLeftStepper setMinValue: 0];
+ [fLeftStepper setMaxValue: title->fInWidth / 4];
+ [fLeftStepper setIntValue: title->fLeftCrop];
+ [fLeftField setIntValue: title->fLeftCrop];
+ [fRightStepper setValueWraps: NO];
+ [fRightStepper setIncrement: 2];
+ [fRightStepper setMinValue: 0];
+ [fRightStepper setMaxValue: title->fInWidth / 4];
+ [fRightStepper setIntValue: title->fRightCrop];
+ [fRightField setIntValue: title->fRightCrop];
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string, "Final size: %dx%d",
+ title->fOutWidth, title->fOutHeight );
+ [fInfoField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ /* Resize the panel */
+ NSSize newSize;
+ /* XXX */
+ newSize.width = 762 /*fPicturePanelSize.width*/ +
+ title->fOutWidthMax - 720;
+ newSize.height = 740 /*fPicturePanelSize.height*/ +
+ title->fOutHeightMax - 576;
+ [fPicturePanel setContentSize: newSize];
+ [NSApp beginSheet: fPicturePanel modalForWindow: fWindow
+ modalDelegate: nil didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
+ [NSApp runModalForWindow: fPicturePanel];
+ [NSApp endSheet: fPicturePanel];
+ [fPicturePanel orderOut: self];
+- (IBAction) ClosePanel: (id) sender
+ [NSApp stopModal];
+- (IBAction) Rip: (id) sender
+ /* Rip or Cancel ? */
+ if( [[fRipButton title] compare: @"Cancel" ] == NSOrderedSame )
+ {
+ [self Cancel: self];
+ return;
+ }
+ if( [fCustomBitrateField intValue] < 256 )
+ {
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( @"Invalid video bitrate", @"Ooops",
+ nil, nil, fWindow, self, nil, nil, nil,
+ @"Video bitrate is too low !" );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( [fCustomBitrateField intValue] > 8192 )
+ {
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( @"Invalid video bitrate", @"Ooops",
+ nil, nil, fWindow, self, nil, nil, nil,
+ @"Video bitrate is too high !" );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( [fLanguagePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] ==
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] )
+ {
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( @"Invalid secondary language",
+ @"Ooops", nil, nil, fWindow, self, nil, nil, nil,
+ @"Do you _really_ want to encode the same audio track twice?" );
+ return;
+ }
+ FILE * file;
+ if( ( file = fopen( [[fFileField stringValue] cString], "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ fclose( file );
+ NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet( @"File already exists",
+ @"Nooo", @"Yes, go ahead!", nil, fWindow, self,
+ @selector( OverwriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo: ),
+ nil, nil,
+ [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Do you want to overwrite %s ?",
+ [[fFileField stringValue] cString]] );
+ return;
+ }
+ [self _Rip];
+- (void) OverwriteAlertDone: (NSWindow *) sheet
+ returnCode: (int) returnCode contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
+ if( returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn )
+ {
+ [self _Rip];
+ }
+- (void) _Rip
+ /* Get the specified title & audio track(s) */
+ HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*)
+ fTitleList->ItemAt( [fTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ HBAudio * audio1 = (HBAudio*)
+ title->fAudioList->ItemAt( [fLanguagePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ HBAudio * audio2 = (HBAudio*)
+ title->fAudioList->ItemAt( [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp
+ indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ /* Use user settings */
+ title->fBitrate = [fCustomBitrateField intValue];
+ title->fTwoPass = ( [fTwoPassCheck state] == NSOnState );
+ audio1->fOutBitrate = [[fAudioBitratePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]
+ intValue];
+ if( audio2 )
+ {
+ audio2->fOutBitrate =
+ [[fAudioBitratePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] intValue];
+ }
+ /* Let libhb do the job */
+ fManager->StartRip( title, audio1, audio2,
+ (char*) [[fFileField stringValue] cString] );
+- (IBAction) Cancel: (id) sender
+ fManager->StopRip();
+- (IBAction) Suspend: (id) sender
+ if( [[fSuspendButton title] compare: @"Resume" ] == NSOrderedSame )
+ {
+ [self Resume: self];
+ return;
+ }
+ fManager->SuspendRip();
+- (IBAction) Resume: (id) sender
+ fManager->ResumeRip();
+- (IBAction) PreviousPicture: (id) sender
+ if( fPicture > 0 )
+ {
+ fPicture--;
+ [fPictureGLView ShowPicture: fPicture];
+ }
+- (IBAction) NextPicture: (id) sender
+ if( fPicture < 9 )
+ {
+ fPicture++;
+ [fPictureGLView ShowPicture: fPicture];
+ }
+- (IBAction) UpdatePicture: (id) sender
+ HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*)
+ fTitleList->ItemAt( [fTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ title->fOutWidth = [fWidthStepper intValue];
+ title->fDeinterlace = ( [fDeinterlaceCheck state] == NSOnState );
+ title->fTopCrop = [fTopStepper intValue];
+ title->fBottomCrop = [fBottomStepper intValue];
+ title->fLeftCrop = [fLeftStepper intValue];
+ title->fRightCrop = [fRightStepper intValue];
+ [fPictureGLView ShowPicture: fPicture];
+ [fWidthStepper setIntValue: title->fOutWidth];
+ [fTopStepper setIntValue: title->fTopCrop];
+ [fBottomStepper setIntValue: title->fBottomCrop];
+ [fLeftStepper setIntValue: title->fLeftCrop];
+ [fRightStepper setIntValue: title->fRightCrop];
+ [fWidthField setIntValue: [fWidthStepper intValue]];
+ [fTopField setIntValue: [fTopStepper intValue]];
+ [fBottomField setIntValue: [fBottomStepper intValue]];
+ [fLeftField setIntValue: [fLeftStepper intValue]];
+ [fRightField setIntValue: [fRightStepper intValue]];
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string, "Final size: %dx%d",
+ title->fOutWidth, title->fOutHeight );
+ [fInfoField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+- (void) UpdateIntf: (NSTimer *) timer
+ if( fDie )
+ {
+ [timer invalidate];
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Update DVD popup */
+ if( [fWindow contentView] == fScanView &&
+ GetDate() > fLastDVDDetection + 2000000 )
+ {
+ [self DetectDrives];
+ fLastDVDDetection = GetDate();
+ }
+ /* Ask libhb about what's happening now */
+ if( fManager->NeedUpdate() )
+ {
+ HBStatus status = fManager->GetStatus();
+ switch( status.fMode )
+ {
+ break;
+ {
+ [fScanMatrix setEnabled: NO];
+ [fDVDPopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fDVDFolderField setEnabled: NO];
+ [fScanBrowseButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fScanProgress startAnimation: self];
+ [fScanButton setEnabled: NO];
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ if( status.fScannedTitle )
+ {
+ sprintf( string, "Scanning %s, title %d...",
+ status.fScannedVolume,
+ status.fScannedTitle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( string, "Opening %s...",
+ status.fScannedVolume );
+ }
+ [fScanStatusField setStringValue:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ [fScanMatrix setEnabled: YES];
+ [self ScanMatrixChanged: self];
+ [fScanProgress stopAnimation: self];
+ [fScanButton setEnabled: YES];
+ [fScanStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"Invalid volume, try again" ];
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ fTitleList = status.fTitleList;
+ /* Show a temporary empty view while the window
+ resizing animation */
+ [fWindow setContentView: fTempView ];
+ /* Actually resize it */
+ NSRect newFrame;
+ newFrame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [fWindow frame]
+ styleMask: [fWindow styleMask]];
+ newFrame.origin.y += newFrame.size.height -
+ [fRipView frame].size.height;
+ newFrame.size.height = [fRipView frame].size.height;
+ newFrame.size.width = [fRipView frame].size.width;
+ newFrame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: newFrame
+ styleMask: [fWindow styleMask]];
+ [fWindow setFrame: newFrame display: YES animate: YES];
+ /* Show the new GUI */
+ [fWindow setContentView: fRipView ];
+ [fSuspendButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fTitlePopUp removeAllItems];
+ HBTitle * title;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < fTitleList->CountItems(); i++ )
+ {
+ title = (HBTitle*) fTitleList->ItemAt( i );
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string, "%d (%02lld:%02lld:%02lld)",
+ title->fIndex, title->fLength / 3600,
+ ( title->fLength % 3600 ) / 60,
+ title->fLength % 60 );
+ [[fTitlePopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: string]
+ action: nil keyEquivalent: @""];
+ }
+ [self TitlePopUpChanged: self];
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ [fTitlePopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fVideoCodecPopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fVideoMatrix setEnabled: NO];
+ [fCustomBitrateField setEnabled: NO];
+ [fTargetSizeField setEnabled: NO];
+ [fTwoPassCheck setEnabled: NO];
+ [fCropButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fLanguagePopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fAudioCodecPopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fFileFormatPopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fFileBrowseButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fSuspendButton setEnabled: YES];
+ [fSuspendButton setTitle: @"Suspend"];
+ [fRipButton setTitle: @"Cancel"];
+ if( !status.fPosition )
+ {
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue: @"Starting..."];
+ [fRipProgress setIndeterminate: YES];
+ [fRipProgress startAnimation: self];;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char string[1024];
+ memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string, "Encoding: %.2f %%",
+ 100 * status.fPosition );
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string,
+ "Speed: %.2f fps (%02d:%02d:%02d remaining)",
+ status.fFrameRate,
+ status.fRemainingTime / 3600,
+ ( status.fRemainingTime % 3600 ) / 60,
+ status.fRemainingTime % 60 );
+ [fRipInfoField setStringValue:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ [fRipProgress setIndeterminate: NO];
+ [fRipProgress setDoubleValue: 100 * status.fPosition];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ char string[1024]; memset( string, 0, 1024 );
+ sprintf( string, "Encoding: %.2f %% (PAUSED)",
+ 100 * status.fPosition ) ;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: string]];
+ [fRipInfoField setStringValue: @""];
+ [fRipProgress setDoubleValue: 100 * status.fPosition];
+ [fSuspendButton setTitle: @"Resume"];
+ break;
+ }
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue: @"Stopping..."];
+ [fRipInfoField setStringValue: @""];
+ [fRipProgress setIndeterminate: YES];
+ [fRipProgress startAnimation: self];;
+ break;
+ case HB_MODE_DONE:
+ [fRipProgress setIndeterminate: NO];
+ if( status.fMode == HB_MODE_DONE )
+ {
+ [fRipProgress setDoubleValue: 100];
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue: @"Done." ];
+ NSBeep();
+ [NSApp requestUserAttention: NSInformationalRequest];
+ [NSApp beginSheet: fDonePanel
+ modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: nil
+ didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
+ [NSApp runModalForWindow: fDonePanel];
+ [NSApp endSheet: fDonePanel];
+ [fDonePanel orderOut: self];
+ }
+ else if( status.fMode == HB_MODE_CANCELED )
+ {
+ [fRipProgress setDoubleValue: 0];
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue: @"Canceled." ];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [fRipProgress setDoubleValue: 0];
+ switch( status.fError )
+ {
+ case HB_ERROR_A52_SYNC:
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (corrupted AC3 data)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (could not write to file)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (could not open device)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (DVD read failed)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (could not init MP3 encoder)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (MP3 encoder failed)." ];
+ break;
+ [fRipStatusField setStringValue:
+ @"An error occured (could not init MPEG4 encoder)." ];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ [fRipInfoField setStringValue: @""];
+ [fTitlePopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fVideoCodecPopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fVideoMatrix setEnabled: YES];
+ [fTwoPassCheck setEnabled: YES];
+ [fCropButton setEnabled: YES];
+ [fLanguagePopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fAudioCodecPopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fAudioBitratePopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fFileFormatPopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fFileBrowseButton setEnabled: YES];
+ [fSuspendButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fSuspendButton setTitle: @"Suspend"];
+ [fRipButton setTitle: @"Rip"];
+ [self VideoMatrixChanged: self];
+ /* Warn the finder to update itself */
+ [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] noteFileSystemChanged:
+ [fFileField stringValue]];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- (void) DetectDrives
+ /* Scan DVD drives (stolen from VLC) */
+ io_object_t next_media;
+ mach_port_t master_port;
+ kern_return_t kern_result;
+ io_iterator_t media_iterator;
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef classes_to_match;
+ kern_result = IOMasterPort( MACH_PORT_NULL, &master_port );
+ if( kern_result != KERN_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ classes_to_match = IOServiceMatching( kIODVDMediaClass );
+ if( classes_to_match == NULL )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CFDictionarySetValue( classes_to_match, CFSTR( kIOMediaEjectable ),
+ kCFBooleanTrue );
+ kern_result =
+ IOServiceGetMatchingServices( master_port, classes_to_match,
+ &media_iterator );
+ if( kern_result != KERN_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ NSMutableArray * drivesList;
+ drivesList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 1];
+ next_media = IOIteratorNext( media_iterator );
+ if( next_media != NULL )
+ {
+ char psz_buf[0x32];
+ size_t dev_path_length;
+ CFTypeRef str_bsd_path;
+ do
+ {
+ str_bsd_path =
+ IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( next_media,
+ CFSTR( kIOBSDName ),
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ 0 );
+ if( str_bsd_path == NULL )
+ {
+ IOObjectRelease( next_media );
+ continue;
+ }
+ snprintf( psz_buf, sizeof(psz_buf), "%s%c", _PATH_DEV, 'r' );
+ dev_path_length = strlen( psz_buf );
+ if( CFStringGetCString( (CFStringRef) str_bsd_path,
+ (char*)&psz_buf + dev_path_length,
+ sizeof(psz_buf) - dev_path_length,
+ kCFStringEncodingASCII ) )
+ {
+ [drivesList addObject:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: psz_buf]];
+ }
+ CFRelease( str_bsd_path );
+ IOObjectRelease( next_media );
+ } while( ( next_media = IOIteratorNext( media_iterator ) ) != NULL );
+ }
+ IOObjectRelease( media_iterator );
+ /* Refresh only if a change occured */
+ if( [drivesList count] == (unsigned) [fDVDPopUp numberOfItems] )
+ {
+ bool isSame = true;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < [drivesList count]; i++ )
+ {
+ if( ![[drivesList objectAtIndex: i] isEqualToString:
+ [fDVDPopUp itemTitleAtIndex: i]] )
+ {
+ isSame = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( isSame )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ [fDVDPopUp removeAllItems];
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < [drivesList count]; i++ )
+ {
+ [[fDVDPopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:
+ [drivesList objectAtIndex: i] action: nil
+ keyEquivalent: @""];
+ }
+ [self ScanMatrixChanged: self];
+- (IBAction) ScanMatrixChanged: (id) sender
+ if( ![fScanMatrix selectedRow] )
+ {
+ [fDVDPopUp setEnabled: YES];
+ [fDVDFolderField setEnabled: NO];
+ [fScanBrowseButton setEnabled: NO];
+ [fScanButton setEnabled: ( [fDVDPopUp selectedItem] != nil )];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [fDVDPopUp setEnabled: NO];
+ [fDVDFolderField setEnabled: YES];
+ [fScanBrowseButton setEnabled: YES];
+ [fScanButton setEnabled: YES];
+ }
+- (IBAction) TitlePopUpChanged: (id) sender
+ HBTitle * title = (HBTitle*)
+ fTitleList->ItemAt( [fTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
+ [fLanguagePopUp removeAllItems];
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp removeAllItems];
+ HBAudio * audio;
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < title->fAudioList->CountItems(); i++ )
+ {
+ audio = (HBAudio*) title->fAudioList->ItemAt( i );
+ /* We cannot use NSPopUpButton's addItemWithTitle because
+ it checks for duplicate entries */
+ [[fLanguagePopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: audio->fDescription]
+ action: nil keyEquivalent: @""];
+ [[fSecondaryLanguagePopUp menu] addItemWithTitle:
+ [NSString stringWithCString: audio->fDescription]
+ action: nil keyEquivalent: @""];
+ }
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp addItemWithTitle: @"None"];
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp selectItemWithTitle: @"None"];
+ [fSecondaryLanguagePopUp setEnabled:
+ ( title->fAudioList->CountItems() > 1 )];
+ [fTargetSizeField SetHBTitle: title];
+ if( [fVideoMatrix selectedRow] )
+ {
+ [fTargetSizeField UpdateBitrate];
+ }
+- (IBAction) AudioPopUpChanged: (id) sender
+ if( [fVideoMatrix selectedRow] )
+ {
+ [fTargetSizeField UpdateBitrate];
+ }